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Everything posted by corkie

  1. Half a coma yet again X_X Sweet car btw
  2. First screenie I could find. Took this when I was on my hunter, yes, I know. Nerf Me Barrens raid gone bad >_> http://i28.photobucket.com/albums/c231/nilgalad/DoubleFreeze.jpg First screenie I took ever on Corkie. Damn this is awhile back. Back in the 10-19 days http://i28.photobucket.com/albums/c231/nilgalad/CorkieFlag.jpg Corkie with a leet dye job. GG Scarlet Monastary textures http://i28.photobucket.com/albums/c231/nilgalad/WoWScrnShot_051206_105431.jpg A pic I usually use on the SC forums with a "This is me caring" caption http://i28.photobucket.com/albums/c231/nilgalad/WoWScrnShot_072606_115346.jpg
  3. Heart attacks hurt O_X
  4. [ Rogues ] Confirmed - Lethality now affects Shiv/Mutilate - Opportunity affects Mutilate
  5. Wow Blood elf males look so....animeish. I suspect we're gonna be seeing alot of "Sephiroths." The Blood elf females also look very, slutish if you don't mind me saying. Def put the Night elf females to shame. Can't wait till its released. WTB Space Shaman. When do you suppose its going to come out?
  6. Buzzed Bunny owns
  7. corkie

    My Sig > You ^_^

    I've been getting some my school stuff straighted out. I'll be back when everything has settled down and when I've gotten in the flow of school again. Almost failed a class last year because of WoW Don't wanna make the same mistake again. But yea, I'll be back soon. I'll hop on vent more often
  8. l l l V
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