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Everything posted by corkie

  1. @Trenton: IMMUNE LOL
  2. Can the Corkie come tooooo :< Also, I just started and omg my dude straight up shanks people. I love this thing.
  3. Dumb. Like, really badly.
  4. corkie

    Oh hai

    Sure am! Names go go!
  5. corkie

    Oh hai

    Eeeh, that sucks. Ah well, the challenge will be fun! There is quite of few Alliance players that I don't really like who deserve a good gank
  6. corkie

    Oh hai

    But if I go alliance, how am I going to Skill of the Skillsaken out of things?! :< But really, is there no Alliance anywhere with horde completely overpopulating the server? If so then damn this may be harder then I thought.
  7. corkie

    Oh hai

    Hey folks! Was just checking to see how many of you still played. Me and Pykan had a good chat about the good old days and came to the decision to transfer back to SC and bring the World PvP back to its roots. This time as horde though. That and we'll be making a video of our antics to go along with it. So, how's SC currently since I may be coming back soon. I'll be looking for alot of familiar faces
  8. corkie

    Oh hai

    I haven't been online since April. Was just seeing how FP was doing! Was thinking about coming back to SC. Only difference is as horde
  9. corkie

    Oh hai

    Why hello there
  10. corkie

    Diablo 3!!!

    Gonna lul when its not D3 SO many people are hoping for it. I must admit, Blizzard knows how to troll people.
  11. Nah man. I joined for the Pvp and the guild chat comedy. I live in California. Like, 10mins away from Sauceboss
  12. COMMIE! So, how about that party at your house Tim? >.>
  13. ZOMGFAPFAP. Party at Tims house imo! Mexican food with some Jose is def good times! Hell, Jose C. + Corkie + Rock Band = hilarious time. We should def schedule one Ed. @Shad & Ghost: OMGOMGOMGHAITOUGUYSSUP
  14. Ib4 9001 Corkie Power Level: 9001
  15. LOL, I didn't even notice that. FP member for life 0_~ Btw, I have no idea what Chipotle is. Well, aside from it being a type of jalapeƱo.
  16. Haha Yea destro is tons of fun. Though, it def needs an arena buff.
  17. Wow is boring and I need forums to troll. SC forums are no longer fun/what they used to be. SO, whats up
  18. corkie

    Team Sauce

    Fishnet wraps I presume >.> DON'T MIND ME. JUST PASSING THROUGH.
  19. The rival of bagged milk! Canadians beware!
  20. http://www.narutomania.com/gallery/data/1117/house-do-want_thumbnail.jpg
  21. OMG how ya guys been? Gratz on the Hydross kill btw!
  22. Why herro there. Need a topic to troll. I'm bored
  23. match
  24. agreed
  25. corkie


    That pretty much owned anything I ever made as a little kid
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