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Everything posted by corkie

  1. I feel dirty for laughing at the title
  2. corkie


    <3 Guitar hero
  3. Trying running it on MS-DOS, everything is text based "You see a horde across the field near Southshore. You stealth. A hunter flares you, a warrior charges you and a mage pyroblast you. You are dead"
  4. I like the caption for the movie: "The brood mother was lain to rest by 34 brave-hearted fierce cats, bears, moonkins and cows and bulls." Made me lol
  5. corkie

    PS3 vs Wii

    That just about the greatest thing I've ever seen
  6. Wtb rogue tier 5
  7. Sweet, I'm not the only that thought "Mmmmm Bacon" when I saw the vid
  8. Healing Animation is angy 0_0
  9. Have you guys seen how draenei females heal? Best healing animation imo
  10. corkie

    This is you.

    Wow, I don't know what to say 0_o
  11. Sorry I took so long ^^ Yea, the movie was taken down but a few people managed to d/l it from warcraft movies.com and they uploaded it pretty much where ever they could. I had to get mine from some Russian site 0_o Imo, Exploration the Movie is better then Noggaholic. When Dopefish made Noggaholic he took a decent amount of scenes from his first one and put them in Nogg. Enjoy ^^ Exploration the Movie
  12. First was awesome as well. Dopefish ftw!
  14. Stric, what do you use to edit you videos together. They look awesome
  15. WTB!!!
  16. I think your the first
  17. lol yea I saw it when it aired, I was thinking "GG Norm, GFG"
  18. Wow, she has def gone to sh**
  19. OH damn, whats up. I wasn't sure if it was you, what with the diff forum name and all
  20. corkie


    Though, I thought Dave Chappelles was a bit funnier imo EDIT: Lol nvm, this one def owned it
  21. I lol'd irl
  22. I'm curious, who is your warrior?
  23. Thought you might like this, I found this very funny http://www.darklegacycomics.com/50.jpg
  24. That would kinda of ruin the whole "Its Medivh staff omgnerf!" aspect about it http://i28.photobucket.com/albums/c231/nilgalad/AudaciousMoose-medivh.jpg
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