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Posts posted by Nefarious

  1. To everyone at FP,


    I remember when I first app'd to FP and Stang pulled me into Vent to "interview" me, and I knew right then that FP was my home. I quickly fell in love with all of you and have proposed marriage to ....well.....i lost count.


    It is frustrating that I have to leave, but the reality is that being west coast and with things at work picking up (Nevada is now a major player in presidential politics), I never get to see any of you. By the time I get home, it is 10 pm server time.


    I am moving Nef over to the server that my druid is on so that he can get some raiding time in..... it has not been an easy decision. I even contemplated leaving Nef in FP just to log on and chat with people (and then realized how silly that would be.)


    Thank you all for making my time with you something I will never forget. Having sent an e-hug to everyone, there are a few people I really need to recognize:


    Dragon: You and Fior adopted me in Burning Crusade and made logging in everyday more than worth while. What a team we made and I will miss you both more than I can put into words.


    Krotas: From day one, you have been my comrade. Thank you for having my back and for flirting inappropriately even though you like the girlzzzzz!


    Loofa: A wise man once said that all relationships are temporary, and they all have something to teach you. I am glad we met and thanks for making my first few months in FP the "high" that they were.


    GG: My FP wife...does this mean we file for divorce? Or can we stay together and cheat on each other? I vote for the latter. Thank you love for being so kind and welcoming...and for all the sexxay pics on my Myspace.


    Gynis: You bring law & order to chaos, and I love you for that. Thanks for the warm welcome to FP. I am only sad we didn't get to bond more in-game. Take care of yourself.


    Benny: It's all about the music....coming over VENT endlessly and the fact that we often recognized each others tunes....that says something special. Take a gay pill and marry me already :-) I will miss you Benny!


    Kibai: You are the one person who pretty much without fail always said hello when I logged on. That means a lot to people even if they tell themselves it doesn't. People like to feel like they are special and you always did that for me. Thanks Kib!


    Matt: You are an icon in WoW and it was an honor to be a part of the guild you hold together with personality and the "/flirt" emote. Thank you for inviting me, welcoming me, and pushing me to continually be better. People in my druid's guild know about FP and I have even been asked by my guild leader there "What would your other guild do?" They know how much I love and respect you guys; I hope you do too.

    To the 3% of viewers who actually read all of this: Thank you...now get back to your life!


    To everyone that I have bonded with that I have not mentioned: I am sorry. Know that I will wake up in the middle of the night remembering you and feeling immense guilt that I have not mentioned your kindness to me.


    Anyone that wants to stay in touch, feel free to email me anytime at getmebrian@mac.com.


    Thank you all...you really are /famous to me.


    Brian (Nefariousmg)


    P.S. Stang, I have an alt (Prophetize) in the guild. If its okay, Id like to keep him guilded so I can come say hello and play with old friends. Would also love forums access as well so I can stay in touch. If you can't, I understand, but thought I should ask ;-)








  2. Omg, if I already gave...is it too late to leverage my donation with a plea that the site remember me so I don't have to log in each and every time?


    <3 Thank you Hykos <3

  3. Miro, I would like to throw my name in for the lock spot. It will depend on the days you want to run. I am pretty available except for Tuesdays.


    Let me know.../hugs




    EDIT: Oops, I should have read all the posts...I see Kait is in that spot....but I still send my love!

  4. Thank you Ready for being the person you are.


    My first or second day in BC, you made a point to show me and help me adjust to the new territory. We are a small group and your experience and knowledge of playing with souls (as locks do) will continue to help us progress as a guild.




    /i'm shutting up now



  5. Lol.... <3 you Hykos ... this is the beauty of an open marketplace ...I won't make you use my Apple phone and ....please GOD please keep winamp as far away from me as humanly possible ...and we are both happy ...back to Itunes now to download movies for my iTV =D



    /hugs tongue.giftongue.giftongue.giftongue.gif

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