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Everything posted by Nefarious

  1. I loved the orange and black...I remember color coding my app with orange text just to match the website. /waves at old friends Nef/ Brian
  2. Ashdaemon = Nefariousmg after a very serious bout of plastic surgery (or $10 to Blizzard) - on Muradin Ashkevron = Nef's Raiding Druid on Muradin Love = FP <3 Brian
  3. GRATS FP! <3 Nef
  4. Nefarious

    FP Caucus

    1. Barack Obama 2. John Edwards 3. Hillary Clinton /hugs
  5. The food pics aside (did you guys ever eat any vegetables), looks like a trip of a lifetime. Glad you went and glad you are back....and /agree with Stang, Kobah..../flirt.
  6. http://i116.photobucket.com/albums/o22/getmebrian/LockRoyalty.jpg /dontbejealous
  7. Nefarious

    BC BC BC!!!

    Hmmm....two locks in love in one instance with only three others between them???? Not sure if it is safe, but if we can handle it.....count me soooo IN. Miss you buddy!!!
  8. Nefarious

    BC Week

    I will be taking the 16th through the 22nd off from work....LFG <3
  9. Nefarious


    LAWL....Charle!!! Ash is on Muradin now with Brandi and Danarus (Dynne's Alt.) Ooooh they are recruiting pallies...my email is getmebrian@mac.com ....let's chat =D /hug Ash/ Nef/ Brian
  10. Is it Christmas? Well, that explains why everyone is dressing so goofy! Merry Xmas, Happy Hannukah, Kwanza, Soulstice, etc.....
  11. omg lol....I <3 u Krotas, but you left yourself wide open there!
  12. Wait I am awesome and I donated.... <confused> Help!
  13. yup, retrieving character list =(
  14. Lol, your mom sooooo knows! /sighs =D
  15. I am uber thankful for the people in my life, for a career that I am passionate about, for the geeks that make escaping into a video game possible, for all the sexy smiles out there, and I have to say I am thankful for...(don't hate me Stric) FP...I love you guys!
  16. Shaman shoulders + Shaman Helm + Eni pole dancing = HAWTER THAN HAWT!!!!!!!!!
  17. So who do I flirt with to get invited to the next one? (it's between you and me...just tell me who to blow kisses to!)
  18. Shame on them....with all that education and look what the system churns out!! /cry
  19. =======BRING IT ON =========== That was sweeeeeeeeeet!
  20. zomg...who is Stanger? He's cute! /flirt ~gratz~
  21. How to Kill Razuvious Video Very clean fight with only a handful of deaths...check it out =D
  22. Can I marry all four of you? Wait, is that legal? Maybe in Utah, Stang? /hugs
  23. You sicko...LOL
  24. Why does this song remind me of a crazy night in Amsterdam?
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