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Everything posted by Plumpy

  1. omg
  2. Plumpy

    Gratz Tom

    Gratz! If I ever need to call someone that could sit in a chair for hours on end...I'll hit yo naga self up =D /level 80 death knight
  3. hahah, yeaaah. You really can't go wrong with Neil Patrick Harris. "What does the P.H. stand for in N.P.H?" "Uh...Patrick Harris?" "No, common mistake...poon handler"
  4. thank god for the a-t-lz lolol
  5. Very True
  6. SWG owned for a while, i loved how free it was. And definitely the best crafting of any game I've ever played. I'm not too impressed by KOTOR mmo, and I hope it's not overrun by xbox live assholes..
  7. http://www.imagecoast.com/images/5austin5/tsatrap.jpg
  8. While that sucks, it brings back horrible memories of Steve....oh god...
  9. Stang =[
  10. That looked badass lol...wish I didnt miss it
  11. Stang, what's your name and what server on beta lol? I'm leveling my dizzeathknight
  13. Lololololololololoheliaconlol
  14. WTF!!!!!! /offended
  15. hahahaha mtf.
  16. Plumpy

    Primal Air/Mana

    Post for price....your real price. Try to keep up below 5 pages of "1000g FOR GUILDIES LOL!" <3
  17. Would assume that would make immortality worse...considering they are playing a computar game =D. But I run like a kenyan.
  18. I have pics stang
  19. Gratz guys =D
  20. Where is apps!?
  21. Amg How do I app-lie
  22. I'll borrow Benny's couch. He can just stay up all night =].
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