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Everything posted by Plumpy

  1. "It's nice to see more brotha's doin dis kind of stuff" I support the above comment on your youtube video hahah. But for real, college eating time? I could not agree with that more.
  2. Plumpy

    Steam ID's

    Shikimaru! Let's hit up some L4D very soon. Lronhubb/Plumpy - austinwalls5 (email: austinwalls5@yahoo.com)
  3. Plumpy

    For Trev

  4. Do they still have a beta open? I'd be interested in trying this
  5. Plumpy

    Bin Jammin'

  6. As long as Corkie is in full blues - he is a deadly rogue
  7. CORKIE!!!!!!!!
  8. Waterproof for yo waterproof lappytop
  9. Wtf Sauce! Please don't ever let your kid see those fishnet pix
  10. Cute kid GG. Ya know, just two or three years ago I could have seen you killing babies =D.
  11. I run three blood drives a year in Carrollton =]
  12. A dwarf druid...? I should demote you
  13. Can I pretend like this describes the ripped open shirts from your myspace? Those still give me nightmares sometimes. Haha just kidding, you're a baller
  14. Plumpy

    canned pancakes

    you....take that back.....
  15. Plumpy

    canned pancakes

    IHOP is crying right now
  16. Too slow and repetitive pvp
  18. Ok that is quite enough pvp nerfs please...
  19. Plumpy

    Left 4 Dead

    Yo, I got the game. My account is Austinwalls5, or just Hubb...idk
  20. Plumpy

    Gay Rights

    I def lol'd at that =p
  21. Or Pokemon cards
  22. Plumpy

    Left 4 Dead

    What is everyone's steam ID?
  23. Plumpy

    Left 4 Dead

    I need to know if I should get this on pc or 360 ><. I really cannot decide...
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