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Everything posted by fetchism

  1. fetchism


    TOM JUMP ON IT! haha good times... and 1 too many ice cream sandwiches! most of the gang still around?
  2. fetchism


    Hello old friends! miss you! i'm back on skullcrusher so you can come gank me now undead rogue <3 you all. pst someone come to blizzcon with me
  3. fetchism

    Oh My Lord...

  4. rogues?
  5. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v461/FetchKron/fetchyandklakla2.jpg yea... the reason for the glasses i think was vanin out of no where had safety pins, which he used to repair plumply's shirt.... +10 points ? speical thanks to ghost for the glasses.
  6. 9 is lame roflcopter!
  7. er... wait yes! that was awesome.
  8. whaaaaaa?
  9. dude call my house 812-985-9880 and support the "let fetch go to altanta trip"
  10. yea... i don't think i can come now... cause my mom is fliping out. she wants to meet ghost or nyner before we leave.... lol or if i do go she going to have all my stuff in a box and when i get back i have to find a new home so not sure if i can make it now... i'm really thinking bout just packing and find somewhere esle to stay... so i can go
  11. hehe my parent own a good 100 head of quater horses -,- i have to feed them sometimes... its takes like 3 hours.
  12. second that take me!
  13. insonmiaox comes with the xp bar but you'll have to get a seprate rep bar.
  14. ben the fist one show you pushing me in a wheel barrel so your in it for hv goes your in hum the 5th on from the buddy your number 2
  15. this is where it all began http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v461/FetchKron/estabanandben.jpg first match? http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v461/FetchKron/esteban5.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v461/FetchKron/esteban6.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v461/FetchKron/esteban4.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v461/FetchKron/esteban3.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v461/FetchKron/esteban2.jpg new ui http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v461/FetchKron/esteban1.jpg
  16. Its the most balla shit ever! KRS is my friend intals who died a year ago but now he'l be with me every day. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v461/FetchKron/tatto003.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v461/FetchKron/tatto002.jpg
  17. haha i'm totally sleeping in the back of nyner's car!
  18. fetchism

    Salad Fingers

    dez if you remmber i told you to watch them one day on vent
  19. omg i want to come... /sneaks in stric's car and comes.
  20. that happen to us in a lvl 30-39 game.... neato UI!!!
  21. OMG I saw New Fist Weapons /changes pants.....
  22. where is the van? stic, ghost and i are so down there next week shiki !
  23. hum me before wow and my baby http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v461/FetchKron/botdbow1.jpg this is like one of the first sceen shots i could find after i got my new pc and played wow http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v461/FetchKron/WoWScrnShot_062705_011548-1.jpg after a couple more months i got to 60 woots and went on pugs mcs with the Old Dark Erothpy and Does not want a guild. we never won anything... http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v461/FetchKron/loseingneslayer2.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v461/FetchKron/WoWScrnShot_090305_204213.jpg after another month of wow i think i join vehements.... look i'm a recuit of vehemnts... http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v461/FetchKron/WoWScrnShot_121305_230459.jpg after leaving vehements cause i hating being yelled at i join Shadowfaction 0,0 big mistake... 30-35 maning mc.... http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v461/FetchKron/WoWScrnShot_041806_215033.jpg then i talked to this guy who i though this named meant the host maker... for the longs time with was ghost... rofl and i found my self with your wonderfull people /hug and /love http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v461/FetchKron/WoWScrnShot_052806_171156.jpg enjoy sorry for being so long
  24. Maybe they should give us a mob weak to meele and then i'l show ya stic.... you punk
  25. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v461/FetchKron/BFcrit.jpg no i don't have the new book yet. thats all i have to say about that.
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