Hello FP, it's me Avercy >.<. Recentley i transferred my priest to the Eldre'Thalas server to play with some real life friends, and friends i had made when i first started on Skullcrusher. I am playing with them because I am startin nursing school soon and my play times will be cut back, and alot of them like to pvp as do I. This descision did not comes easy because Skullcrusher was the first server i played on. ANd it was teh first server i got a level 60 on as well. I have decided to move my rogue, ROmus, as well. I just wanted to thank all of you for the awesome times i have had playing with you all. I cannot express all i would like to by typing. But I still have a few alts on SC ill stop bye from time to time and say. I wish all of you the best of luck in game, and in real life, and in all of your endeavours! Your Friend, Avercy ( Nate) P.S: My aim is Zao999 if ya wanna chat any time!