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Everything posted by Hinanin

  1. Hinanin


    Thats rough man sorry to hear that. About the keylogger you can use webroot spysweaper to do it there is an option you have to check to tell it to look for keyloggers. There use to be a 30 day trial of it but i dont know if they still do that.
  2. http://www.tigerdirect.ca/applications/Sea...&CatId=2496 http://www.tigerdirect.ca/applications/Sea...&CatId=3775 http://www.tigerdirect.ca/applications/Sea...&CatId=4093
  3. Q if you didnt move to the other side of the country I would build it for you. I can help you pick out parts if you decide to build your own. The prob with alot of the pre build systems is they put small and cheap power supples in the systems. They try to build them as cheap as possible. Also the air flow is lacking for the hotter video cards. The cases are often pretty cramped when trying to put a big video cards in them. Also I prefer the nvidia based video cards less driver issues. As far as building a system you can get a higher clock speed out of duel core for the buck. The quads are more expensive and lower clock. Alot of the new games coming out are threaded so it might be better idea to go for the quad though. As far as screens go I really like the samsungs. Im also warming up to the lg screens. I totally didnt see your pm btw
  4. You can ether do a fresh install of windows on the new drive or clone the old one to the new one. Norton ghost or arcones true image will work.
  5. Hinanin

    Computer Upgrade!

    Really for the price its hard to beat the 260 gtx. Thats the same card i put in ghost and gynis mashine. Only problem is some of you might not have the power supply requirements for it. So might have to do a power supply too. Newegg has it on sale for $259.99 with a $40 rebate really hard to beat. They just came out with a new ver of the card so the old ones are cheaper. If you have a pci e slot in in your machine you could do the video card first then later look into a mb cpu and ram. I'm still running a pair of 8800 gt in mine with no issues. If i alt tab a lot it will get some slow downs in wow but if i change the rez it goes away. Something with the textures i assume get messed up. I would recommend doing a single good card over going with 2 cheap cards for sli. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx...N82E16814130370
  6. Hinanin

    Computer Upgrade!

    Ya you need a video card everything else is fine. You might have to swap the power supply out also they put tiny ones in the hp. Bring it next time you come down and we can do it.
  7. Tammy I told you not to post that pic of me.
  8. Oh Amanda you know your cookies are the only ones for me.
  9. As a lover of cookies I would like to open up my kitchen to cookie making.
  10. Hinanin

    OMG Chipotle!

    Good thing i just had moes or else i would be hungry.!!! Side of cheese is the best and Chipotle doesnt have that.
  11. Just get an 8800gt and be done with it. Also dell will swap xp for ya and wont charge extra.
  12. Guitar hero is old news. Its time for rock band!!!!!
  13. Here is my setup alittle messy hehe
  14. Im going along with honki. Roxee said she would like to meet up with us at some point during the weekend.
  15. I have a couch and some floor space too just dont wake eni up or she will yell at you
  16. I think it was just the 25 mans that drop 2 tokens now. Vanin you already ate all the cookies.
  17. We finally did it yay!!!!
  18. w00t the new Blizzard game "3:05 - Morheim says everyone eager to see actual game - going to show actual gameplay - bringing up SC2 lead designer. Dustin Browder. 3:00 - FMV sequence in a spaceship - looks Terran - zooming in on a metal door - door opening - reveals a guy with a cigar in chains - prisoner - door shuts behind him - there's so much bass the room is shaking - guy steps into some kind of metallic devicce - legs are strapped in - guy rising toward ceiling - Korean text on screen got people very excited - another part of the machine is dropping metal arms on him - machine whirring - applying armor to his torso - extremly detailed visuals here - now guy is strapping on gloves - armor is molding together - seems like a Terran marine - rockets turn on - zerg now onscreen - Marine delivers a line - StarCraft 2 officially announced." http://pc.ign.com/articles/788/788627p1.html
  19. gl amanda
  20. that mask owns i need to get it back i cant find it
  21. Ok I think the ! mark messed up the link so I moved it. Gynis is gona kill me for keeping that pic hehe.
  22. Sorry they might load kinda slow. http://bitchincamaro.no-ip.com/files/water...ng/DSC00281.JPG http://bitchincamaro.no-ip.com/files/water...ng/DSC00282.JPG http://bitchincamaro.no-ip.com/files/water...ng/DSC00283.JPG http://bitchincamaro.no-ip.com/files/water...ng/DSC00284.JPG http://bitchincamaro.no-ip.com/files/water...ng/DSC00285.JPG http://bitchincamaro.no-ip.com/files/water...ng/DSC00286.JPG http://bitchincamaro.no-ip.com/files/water...ng/DSC00287.JPG http://bitchincamaro.no-ip.com/files/water...ng/DSC00288.JPG
  23. That was a blast thanks for having us ret.
  24. I kill everyone or they run away.
  25. You mean there has to be another of me? I tried to hide behind ya but it didnt work.
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