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Everything posted by Cathal

  1. yes i got 295 honor from gynis's /hug:)
  2. i wasnt there for a 5 cap. I dont care overly bout winning or the rep (bout halfway to exalted with defilers) i mainly jus farm honor lol ( i know ya get more from wins but i do aight anyways ). i didnt see u at all ghost unless your ingame name is diff. Horde would rip shit up if they got organized about it like LD does. oh and Immortality makes LD look like eazy mode heheh i can at least farm honor off LD
  3. oh and to the rogue who tag teamed me wit boomorogue bet ya loved how i came right back and got my first 2 kbs off the 2 of you:P ps. sum1 tell me how to edit my posts please
  4. and camp that Cathal jerk i dunno where he is he aint out in the world much but oooh boy he hasta die
  5. haha that was some good shit right there i was out numbered but i still got mah licks in was tight seeing that many of ya'll in there
  6. Cathal

    Hey all!!

    ohh thats DI lol that mind control left me feeling used. lol did u see what i was trying to type to you?
  7. Cathal

    Hey all!!

    I dunno what DI is but u saw me and i dont think i got one lol
  8. Cathal

    Hey all!!

    Heheh dont do alot of world pvp mahself right now always in BG's. and yah i'll fight amongst the guards Vanish FTW. As for the editing my posts i couldnt find that option seeing me repeating stuff is driving me nutz to point it out to me hehe will make my life easier
  9. Cathal

    Hey all!!

    YAH okee beorn ya messed me up that time lol...i'll be back oh i'll be back
  10. grats to valcogne or however it is spelled for not lettin me catch him alone in AB:)only got 4 kills outta yah bro:)
  11. lol we'll see if i'll tell yah my noob spec lol
  12. but then id hafta tell u what my gear is hehe
  13. meh thats the best i could come up with wish it didnt go black at the end tho lol
  14. ohs yah how do u make those animated avatars of yourselves i want one baaaad hehe.
  15. NAh im easy mode to kill, but i have been lookin on top of the ah lol.
  16. Heheh sorry Arty got ya 9 times that one lol and whoever the hunter was twice and a lock the one b4 that muhaha was fun, will teach ya to try and cap the flag im standing by hehe.
  17. yah sorry bout the sig being to big i pulled it till i get it shrunk down aint tryin ta piss ya'll off or nothin
  18. Cathal

    Hey all!!

    and i aint meaning to come off mouthy its friendly smack talk play street ball you'll get used to it
  19. Cathal

    Hey all!!

    yah its a lil big im workin on it
  20. Cathal

    Hey all!!

    oh yah and my gear is new spec so when i do take a piece of ya recognize heheh
  21. Cathal

    Hey all!!

    I'm only a lil bit scurred u hit hard b4 but i have confidence i will keep ya stunned up long enuff ta get ya killed lol go me
  22. hell yah:)
  23. Cathal

    Hey all!!

    Cant say you've actually OWNED me staright up w/o havina bit of a scrap on yer hands to many times and i know you've stopped givin me honor on more than one day
  24. every1 always calls mah bluff
  25. Cathal

    Hey all!!

    i thought they stuck together so they could all bubble and heal each other till they get killed hehe hate that lol
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