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Everything posted by Goreslash

  1. VALDEZ! where the hell have u been?
  2. Goreslash


    you obviously dont see what they did there hroth =p
  3. Goreslash


    lol valdez wasnt there for my version of shield hearth stang has seen it twice tho. basically when my hand of edward the odd procs i can instantly hearth no cast time escape ftw!
  4. Goreslash


    damn it history u know u can just ask me hroths lazy ass wont do anything =p
  5. Goreslash


    btw someone meet me outside IF or something take some pics of my hawt ass and make me a sig!
  6. Goreslash


    psh obviously he wanted to make it hate u so he wouldnt have to deal with it again george Boss Hog is a nasty mofo.
  7. lol yea im gonna spam that from now on <3
  8. i targeted you every single time and im pretty sure i waved back. didnt target you out of spite tho just i have to kill you and the other priest before i can kill anyone else =p
  9. omg after i get rank 11 ill totally go around ganking whoever u want but u have to do it for me as well =)
  10. a thousand alliance will die at menethil harbor for this attrocity!
  11. Gratz mofos now u can all get better lootz to come swing at me in the Bgs =)
  12. he sounds like my guilds GM =O
  13. yea like i said before i roll pugs so yea local d owns me. but u know u like the 6-0 in the second game =p
  14. yea the rogue blinded me when i was like 3 seconds off the cap =( either way my pug got owned in that game so u won in the end hehe
  15. i remember lol. the rogue came and got me then i had to pot and get ya again.
  16. lol yea arlan i remember u u and a rogue killed me then i came back when u were fightin some other hordies and got revenge but i think i left there that day with u up on me 2-1 =) <3
  17. http://home.comcast.net/~jramirex/shieldhearth.mp3 =D
  18. yea by sitting at the farm i meant just that. they can farm me all they want i get no honor from them anymore after the first 2 games i lose to them. its all good tho id be mad if i was a priest too. stang can solo me tho he proved it outside ironforge <3
  19. yea i was in a pug vs ld congratulations i went to the mill died once then sat at the farm and waited for my token /flex
  20. lol <3 valdez
  21. lol so many haters to answer a previous question i just started my rank grind again and im rank 9 and climbing should be 10 by tuesday =) its ok to admit a shaman killed u, just be honest but for the ones who say theyve killed me i remember most of you, but rofl at the paladin of course ive never solo killed u its impossible unless i catch u running alone in BRM and we can fight for 20 mins =) its ok tho its all <3
  22. just out of curiosity how many of you have i killed. im a 60 orc shaman named goreslash, please state the instance in which ive killed you or /gasp if youve ever killed me, and beorn doesnt count hes just lucky.
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