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Everything posted by Sado

  1. http://koti.mbnet.fi/djcowio/ Just download them all from there. Im sure you all heard the Onyxia one but here are 4 more. I love this guy.
  2. <3 Erlin We will be in Desolace for the next couple of night, my brother and I. Feel free to hop on my vent if you want to say hi. Stang has the info. Its a welfarea 10 man but it gets the job done My brother was the one that was using distract shot and when you brought out that 60 you really made our night. Quest grinding ftl and that little bit of action was what we needed to stay awake.
  3. LOL, that was fun huh? I was on my hunter alt and we where trying to get in to Thunder Axe but there was a hunter right outside not letting us pass. I didnt want to get Sado out but there was a 60 mage that started killing us off. Funny, we wanted in and you wanted out. It wasnt until waaaay afterwards that I realized what guild you where in. /appologize I should really be thanking you though, that was the most fun Ive had in a while.
  4. I agree. =/ But I'll take the win
  5. Im stalking you div...<Insert creepy music here>
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