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Everything posted by Joesf

  1. Stop stealing your mom's car!
  2. http://cowsandgraveyards.typepad.com/cows_and_graveyards/images/insp_captkirk.jpg
  3. BTP supports Bear Cavalry. Bear form Hykos, I need a mount!
  4. OMG The two guys mock the whole situation in a press conference. OMG ITS HILARIOUS. http://wbztv.com/video/?id=28369@wbz.dayport.com Haircuts and the 70s. That is not a hair question.
  5. Bad publicity is still publicity.
  6. Joesf

    SNL - Really?!?

  7. Joesf

    Mining Deposits

    With the way the instances are laid out, it hink they kiboshed stealth runs. /stealth *fizzled /shadowmelt *fizzled /cry like a girl
  8. Joesf

    Mining Deposits

    Instances are static spawns. So i guess you could farm that but youd need a group.
  9. Joesf

    Mining Deposits

    No doubt. I'm 348 BS (2 from learning [item]Lionheart Blade[/item]) and can barely find Adamantite anywhere. I'll whore myself or my money out for some Adamantite.
  10. Joesf

    Mining Deposits

    Well, sure enough. I was complaining about the lack of deposits last night. I go look on the forums and sure enough, Blizzard has been messing with the respawn rates. Originally it was because Khorium was spawning and taking up lower end deposits when no one could mine it yet. Now it seems to of had a side effect on the respawns of other resources. So.. hopefully theyll have this fixed soon. PS - Ramoot is my mining arch-nemisis. /hug
  11. http://valleywag.com/tech/silicon-valley-u...hing-230469.php PAUL BOUTIN -- What do those guys in Operations do all day? You can never get your systems administrator's help when you need it. That's because you haven't figured out how to grease the skids: Say hello, fill out the paperwork, and never forget the sysadmin's secret super power. No one sets out to be a professional systems administrator -- do you ever see kids wearing toy pagers playing sysadmin? For those fluent with computers but uninterested in writing huge software programs, it's a pretty good job. Except for the part where they have to deal with you. Treat your admin accordingly, and you'll find your PC mysteriously runs better than anyone else's. Say hello. Even when you don't need something. You say a big Hi to the pretty lady at the front desk every time you pass. Why not treat the tech guy the same? Sure, he doesn't say anything back. Don't be fooled. Sysadmins are like cats -- he won't acknowledge you, but he's mentally keeping score. Don't question what he does all day. Systems administrators are like firemen and cops. If you don't have a couple of bored ones hanging around, you'll be sorry when there's an emergency. Fill out the stupid request form or other idiotic bureaucratic formality every time the printer jams. If you go directly to Joe Admin for help without putting a request in the system, you'll eventually get him fired. The CEO asks the department head for an automated help desk report to justify headcount, and see? What does that guy do all day? He doesn't even say hi. Treat everything he does as a favor. Like most first-responder jobs, sysadmin is a career cul-de-sac -- the only way out is to become, ugh, a manager. Let him savor the delusion that everyone envies his gig in Operations because he's got all the root passwords and triple-encrypted card keys to the server room. Never forget: He can read your mail
  12. Remember, its a bottle, not a Pennis.
  13. Joesf

    Do you gank?!?

    I actually have a good story from last night. Started off on my mining route, knew off the bat it was gonna be an odd one, when a shadow priest runs up to me, starts DoTing me. I turn /bored /shoo and he leaves. Then half way through I found myself in the SE corner of Zangermarsh. I see 2 rogues and a druid killing some mobs and pay no attention and hit up the deposit close by. Well they all stealth and attack me. I don't feel like fighting so I continue to mine as they are attacking. For some reason i wasn't really getting interrupted. I die and run back. Rez, pop Perception and sure enough they are stealthed right there. I finish the vein off and start to fight the same 3, with me at half health. Druid goes down faster than a playboy bunny on hugh hefner, i dont even know how he died so fast. Then the two rogues begin to stun lock me. In about 3sec I get off 3k+ worth of damage on one rogue while the other finishes me off. So I run back and rez. Obviously they were camping and I was still trying to mine, so i make my sneaky escape. They give chase. Well, I dont see them as I approach the next vein so I start to mine. They jump me again. This time however... Joe doesn't feel liek playing passive, in fact, Joe is pissed. With a simple WW, Cleave combo i drop 2500+ on both targets and finish one off with a MS and the other with Victory Rush. Waiting for the third... he never showed. So a little ways down the road and a few deposits later, I see them ahead of me. I finish off a deposit as they see me again and turn to fight. I make them chase me for a few min till I find my next deposit. Bingo, deposit... fight time. The rogue goes for the stun lock but cant seem to out DPS my Second wind. The druid is healing like a madman against my MS's and I'm laughing like a little girl. Well, a short distance away I see another horde running towards us, so I decide to stop playing around. Drop a HS\MS combo on the druid, then WW them both to death. I look around for the other horde that was running my direction. See him standing on a hill very close by. I turn to face him and take a few steps. He steps back and /scared /coware. At this point, I needed a change of pants I'm laughing so hard. I didn't see them the rest of the night. But for the most, I mind my business and the Horde leave me alone. I even had some guys from Invictus Mortem helping with quests.
  14. Heres who'd we be playing with with the free transfers. Destination: - The Underbog, - PvP Central Sargeras Illidan Auchindoun Skullcrusher Mal'Ganis
  15. Vury niiice!
  16. Joesf


    Hell ya. I got the email saying mines been shipped today.
  17. Joesf

    Hello, FP

    /famous btp
  18. I've stared at NE females before. Still do every now and then
  19. ED, ED2 and AoD ftmfw. Dead by Dawn
  20. You should always be on your gaurd when someone is making nipple jokes. Especially when walking. This burn crits.
  21. Thats awesome
  22. Joesf

    Patch 2.0.3

    Dude... wait.. what!??!
  23. Joesf

    Patch 2.0.3

    Its still good as a rage dump. I use it on Emps. Its biggest drawback from before was the increased casting from damage but without it now... Not a bad ability. Even with slow 1handeds itll force that one last hit on a target before it breaks stun\immobilized. Or even a good stacker with Second Wind while you are immobilized anways. 90rage = 4attacks in 6sec without talants. 2sec with. I wouldn't quiet call it a buff though. This is like increaing the damage done by hamstring. Speaking of... Why don't warriors HS and MS damage increase scale with AP?!
  24. Joesf


    yachts smotchs submarines are the new hotness http://www.ussubs.com/submarines/phoenix_1000.php3
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