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Everything posted by Cottoneyejoe

  1. Hi everyone!
  2. I might be going to MSU. That is, if I don't get into U of M, lol.
  3. ... What the hell did I just see?
  4. I can tell you for damn sure that teens will smoke unflavored cigarettes, and drink unflavored alcohol. Because they aren't doing it because it tastes good. They're doing it to get drunk off their asses. They're doing it to "look cool," or for the nicotine buzz. And as for comparing alcohol to cigarettes... Remember when alcohol was illegal? Yeah, I'm pretty sure we all remember how that went. Terrible idea. Making things like that illegal won't make kids (or anyone for that matter) stop doing it. It'll make them start finding ways to get it illegally, and then you'll just have more trouble with "War On Drugs" on your hands.
  5. Wrong. It's helping the case. It's still there. Just because it's relatively new doesn't mean it has any less effect, or helps any less.
  6. I'm 16. I don't smoke. Maybe I'll start smoking, maybe I won't, that's not the point. I think it's absolutely ridiculous for the government to do this, for reasoned already explained by both Honki and Sauceboss. It's a person's choice to smoke. If they want to die, they can, they have the right to do what they want, so long as it doesn't oppose on another person's rights, which is why many buildings don't allow smoking indoors. But putting a ban on cigarettes is outrageous, and completely out of line. There are much worse problems out there, as Sauceboss mentioned. Fatherpeteus, your example was completely irrelevant. One is seriously harming a person against their will. In another, you're choosing to stay and be harmed by the smoke, and complain about it.
  8. The crotchet part was the funniest IMO.
  9. Cottoneyejoe

    My Ryee!

    Happy Birthday Ryee!
  10. Oh. Cool. Kinda.
  11. I'm old enough to remember the whole blowing in the NES cartridge, and holding it a certain way so it'll work thing .
  12. I thought it was a crappy movie. I may as well have tossed $7.50 on the ground and urinated on it.
  13. Yeah my brother showed me District 9. Looks pretty nice.
  14. Dez, you still up at MSU?
  15. I actually think this looks pretty cool. I want to see it.
  16. Heh, brings back memories.
  17. Haha, I was like "Dude, Justin, is it me, or is the FP site not working?"
  18. ... Damnit. Miroku pulled again.
  19. I didn't know this either! Happy Birthday!
  20. Hmm. Maybe in a couple years I'll be able to visit you guys myself.
  21. Happy birthday!
  22. Lol, the reaction at the bonfire when everyone saw your haircut. "O.O"
  23. Fake beyond fake.
  24. This was funny.
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