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Everything posted by Garnok

  1. Garnok


    This rollback didn't bother me too much but then I noticed we lost our record. That pisses me off, I'm going to go SMASH something now.
  2. Garnok


  3. Garnok

    Bloodlord Down

    Its the deaths that cause the level ups and not the ressing. So try to keep them to a minimum
  4. Garnok

    Bloodlord Down

    We now have gotten 3 bosses in ZG down. Great job tonight guys, and Cc how did you manage to not make it into the pic, that's it guys lets go back there and take him down again so we can correct it
  5. Garnok


    Siege, run now, Luc has seen the thread
  6. Yep, I'm going to have to go with Joe on this one.
  7. Or 1 replaces the other. The new one has higher DPS, higher Stam. Int and mana regen. He gives up 2% crit and 25 str. Looks like a fair trade to me.
  8. I believe newegg shows up on pricewatch
  9. tigerdirect.com pricewatch.com
  10. No that's druids. Yall just shield hearth with your tail between your legs :- p Hykos - 1 Siege - 0 I must disagree, how often do we have a Paly DI, a Paly Stoned and yet there are 1 or 2 hunters who jump up on their own with no help from another class. Survivability is a hunter's strength in PVE, we even have a talent tree named after it
  11. Gryph, Joe, Beorn, Prime, Vanin even, can you answer this for us?
  12. So don't let a tank get a head start on the agro table to push themselves up as high as possible?
  13. I asked this to Joe earlier today and I think I should post it here. When a tank's target is killed, should he run over to a sheeped target and start taunting only since that should not break sheep? Just a thought.
  14. You have to DI me, how else am I going to use Jumper Cables, not like I can get out of combat without it
  15. The way I see it, you go me and my gun to go through first. Bring it
  16. DPS should be using Bandages and us hunters should be taking advantage of FD and eating/drinking.
  17. We still have to find what works best for us. I try to never bring up Axiom because they are different. They were heavier in DPS where we are a little heavier in healing (at least that was the case a couple of weeks ago). We need to take the basic principles of what others have done and mold it into our own.
  18. Click Me Just go read the first post. **EDITED FOR GARNOK**
  19. Hey Siege, I bet if we dualed you'd kick my ass
  20. Hunters are great if they have back up, 1 on 1 is a completly different story. I will only attack a warrior, rogue or another hunter. I run from everything else and consider it a victory if I escape.
  21. For the highest PVE survivability and lowest PVP survivability. Oh and outside of MC no one lets me pull
  22. Very interesting, but you know that Hunters are the true red headed step-children of WoW. Still don't know why I play mine.
  23. you were allowed to roll on the mace
  24. Don't feel so bad. Blizz promised last patch that they were going to be looking at all aspects of Hunter. What did we get, just redone talents and no explaination of why these was nothing else. I'm still a little bitter about that.
  25. You forgot to add when we are allowed and where we are not allowed to bring Sumic too
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