o yeah, im sorry, i just thought that the huge heavy shatty computer in an ugly black and green box with the microsoft logo was a piece of shit...o yeh, i am right the new xbox isnt toooo much better then a top end computer anyway, and the computer can do FARRRR more with less! xbox controller is a piece of shat... most if not all the games on xbox are shatty as well... with exception to a few which are readily available on the ps2 or pc! the only thing xbox has over ps2 is the graphical capabilities, but wow, do you know the difference in release date? thats understandable, yes? well have u played gran turismo 4??? that game blows anything xbox outa the water!... should i keep going? sure why not im bored... did i mention that it was made by microsoft? responsible for creating the ever-so-stable windows operating system /sarcasm heh and again, that thing weighed a tonne, and ESSENTIALLY is a computer with tv out instead of vga; a new port for controllers, and a custom bios...for which is easy as hell to flash (o look..what else can be flashed? heh could it be....a BIOS?!!?) heh did i mention that ps2 had better games Im done for now, just go ahead and debate... hehe Matthew p.s. Dragonlngd and all - as for the ps3, that its been known, they are going to use the sony 'cell' processor and blu-ray media, meaning, uber fast and uber good sony > microsoft