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Everything posted by Calaren

  1. Whoever got the new domain...can you please help me out a bit? a) what about space? or is it just a domain redirect? are u given anything else other then the domain? c) can i please have access so i can have a bit of fun matty might have a little too much fun *rolls eyes*
  2. awww....i like the idea of not having to catch up LOLZ
  3. hello there fellaz, Some of you *hopefully* know who i am... Im Matty, im known mostly as Calaren as i see most of u are people i dont know... When Knights of Anubis was created, about a week or two after i joined... i became the webmaster, and worked my way near the top... i donated 1/2 the cost of the tabard to the guild, when people were lucky to have even 2-3gold Just giving u guys heads up, that i was thinking about coming back for a while, as i quit due to the shazzbot of a game being fux0red up back when lag was HUGE, and the endgame suxed... Anywho, if u hav any issues/ideas, lemme know i may b able to come up with somethin i just may have to take over as webmaster agin i actually got my webpage up (finally) and i just got my site up although its still under construction u can chek it out at http://mdaize.dyndns.org its going to b my personal/business website ima prolly going to start my own app/webpage business (hopefully) all i ask is an open mind and some suggestions Something though that im curious about... would u guys switch over to a new server if it was created... for example, blizzard mite b starting a RP PVP server from scratch i really dont want to lvl without others
  4. o ur dead fucker Lets start out with games that rock on playstation: a) Final Fantasy 7-11 (technically, thats 6 games) San Andreas c) God of War d) Grand Turismo FTW
  5. o yeah, im sorry, i just thought that the huge heavy shatty computer in an ugly black and green box with the microsoft logo was a piece of shit...o yeh, i am right the new xbox isnt toooo much better then a top end computer anyway, and the computer can do FARRRR more with less! xbox controller is a piece of shat... most if not all the games on xbox are shatty as well... with exception to a few which are readily available on the ps2 or pc! the only thing xbox has over ps2 is the graphical capabilities, but wow, do you know the difference in release date? thats understandable, yes? well have u played gran turismo 4??? that game blows anything xbox outa the water!... should i keep going? sure why not im bored... did i mention that it was made by microsoft? responsible for creating the ever-so-stable windows operating system /sarcasm heh and again, that thing weighed a tonne, and ESSENTIALLY is a computer with tv out instead of vga; a new port for controllers, and a custom bios...for which is easy as hell to flash (o look..what else can be flashed? heh could it be....a BIOS?!!?) heh did i mention that ps2 had better games Im done for now, just go ahead and debate... hehe Matthew p.s. Dragonlngd and all - as for the ps3, that its been known, they are going to use the sony 'cell' processor and blu-ray media, meaning, uber fast and uber good sony > microsoft
  6. dont get me started on how shatty microsoft, xbox, halo, and all related products are... i will absolutly slaughter and compare how PS2 is better then both xbox and xbox360 haha boy do i hate microsoft and xbox *tweaks*
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