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Everything posted by Frost

  1. Frost

    Useless topic

    In no order... Earthbound - Ness simply rocks Final Fantasy 3/6 - Classics of everytime Zelda A Link to the Past - THE BEST Zelda game ever made. (They should remake it into a 3D game for the GC or something like that) Secret of Mana - Gamestyle is pretty cool, except I don't like the way we fight. MegaMan series - My favourite one is X, all-time classics as well And well, some others that I can'T remember the name..
  2. Frost

    About UCA

    *no commentaries on Vlaming's new sig... LMFAO*
  3. Frost

    About UCA

    Come one Esteb, you forgot me in your list of guys who wants to start UCA again.. >_< Hey Vlaming, Stang, Shu, and all the other buds!!! <3
  4. Frost

    Been a while!!

    Wow! I was missing the old UCA company! Its been like more than 6 months I have been there (actually, I think it was around 270 days, sicne that password change reminder told me that) Was wondering how everyone is going As for my side, I still don't own WoW, I'm more of a Guild Wars player (Im a traiter, I know, LOL) Was arguing on MSN with rccarkid about GW and WoW, well. Everyone their tastes.
  5. The thing is, it's really accidental... I wouldnt like being at the place of the first guy who jumped 3 times before the other guy broke his leg at its first attempt... he must be feeling so bad...
  6. http://www.break.com/index/brokenfoot3.html
  7. http://www.purimachos.demon.co.uk/JetcemD60-J4.JPG
  8. stunned
  9. http://www.funmansion.com/images/mustache_championship_09.jpg
  10. yummy
  11. when a guy refuses to have sex with his horny chixxx cause he has to go to his CS match...
  12. http://csownssex.ytmnsfw.com/ Omfg!!
  13. Frost

    Just so you know.

    Are you overclocking your comp? If yes, just tell me, we'll see about the problem. If no, then it's just a dumbass memory problem (bad stick?). Or maybe it's time for a FORMAT C:
  14. Im not planning to make Final Fantasy quality videos, with my Pentium3 733MHz, 384Mb RAM, ATI Radeon 7500 64Mb and 2 UDMA/66 Hard disks, I cant record much shit out of my games.. ^^; I lower the quality settings of my games, and I was able to get something nice from my latest Warcraft 3 game ^^ Thanks for the software name, Ima go download it riiiiiiiight now
  15. I know you guys got some xperience in Video Making with games, so Id like to have tips, softwares names and ideas on how to make game videos.. I have FRAPS 2.0.0 (only version I could get that was already registered), and can't seem to find a way to record my in-game sound.. :S So here's no in-game sound for me using FRAPS. As for video making/editing programs, I only have *Wincrap* Movie Maker that cames with my XP Profesionnal... There aint much thing to do with this software so Id like to have names of powerful and accessible softwares (I dont mind either they can be downloaded free or they cost $500, I have my resources.. *coughBITTORRENTcough* ) Thanks for the help!
  16. XXXmas
  17. Rofl let's not talk about me I do some breakdancing but I have said ''some'' and it should explain it
  18. Rwar!
  19. http://www.shoutwire.com/comments/8726/WOW...d_Without_Mercy
  20. Your Viking Name is... Yngvarr Antcatcher Your Viking Personality: The tougher Vikings might let you on the boat, but generally only when they need ballast. You have a thirst for battle -- unfortunately, you're not terribly good at it. You probably know which end of a sword to hold, but you're not a fearsome fighter by any stretch of the imagination. You would have a very tough time making a long sea voyage in a Viking longboat. Other Vikings consider you "one of the guys". You have a fairly pragmatic attitude towards life, and tend not to expend effort in areas where it would be wasted. Other Vikings would be calling you "tree-hugging hippie peacenik" if the phrase had been invented.
  21. Dirty Sam Flint You're the pirate everyone else wants to throw in the ocean -- not to get rid of you, you understand; just to get rid of the smell. Like the rock flint, you're hard and sharp. But, also like flint, you're easily chipped, and sparky. Arr!
  22. Frost


    Why dont you get sig slogans?? I told you how, just look up high
  23. Frost


    Just click on the picture in my sig, it will lead you to their website, you just have to enter your name/nickname/FPFTMFW and it will sloganize your name, then there should be a button somewhere in the page ''Image as forum signature'' click on it, then choose the ''slogan'' keyword and the style (If you use Standard style, then you can pick the colors), then click on Create Image and copy the first BBCODE code to your signature and enjoy your new slogan!!
  24. *take a look outside* Nope I havent saw a crazy ninja running everywhere.. sorry
  25. Happy birthday FP!!!! FPFTMFW!!
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