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Everything posted by Frost

  1. boo we need WoW MPQ files to use it
  2. now thats perfect man you need a WoW account to make a pic like that or the WoW program or anything? cuz Id like to have some pic like that me too (even if I dont have WoW X_X)
  3. alliance
  4. troll
  5. I have a resolution of 1280*1024 whoch is kinda big and your avatar doesnt disturb me. Maybe you could erase the black frames surrounding your character, if you select your image you see there is much place that is lost.
  6. sphere
  7. Happy Birthday Stormie! Youre 16 now? halloween
  8. http://www.frontiernet.net/~joe14580/captain%20obvious.jpg Captain Obvious!
  9. charm
  10. haste
  11. Unique
  12. The Rock
  13. wolverines
  14. lightsaber
  15. fire
  16. yeh but what if he hung up with his way to heaven before selling it? it owuldnt be a sin... and thus would sell it as I said in the UCA forums I dont believe in Heaven and these things. all I know is that being with Joanie (my Girlfriend) is just what I need to be to heaven
  17. Wordsmithing (Esteban )
  18. actually the guy will have made 15.50$ if not more ^^' 15.50$ for a certificate and a photo or 2? id do it lol! (actually I dont believe in heaven thing and stuff)
  19. shirt
  20. chill
  21. milk
  22. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...item=5655236074 Go check it out lol! I saw this on another forum ^^'
  23. liquor
  24. orange (fruit)
  25. vodka
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