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Everything posted by Exist2Inspire

  1. I would really appreciate help to reget the good old clan back together If you can, here is some information Realm: Azeroth you can contact me Exist2Inspire, and i'm sorry I cant recal frost's name, but i believe it is FrOsT.
  2. here can always be extras
  3. Hello all! I don't know how many of you know me from some posts i've made here, so let me introduce my self: My name is Exist, or Chris, i'm ok with either, and the ex-leader of the UCA (United Canadian Alliance) guild on skullcrusher. Many of my friends from UCA are in this guild (and our old forums are kinda dead) so I post here now. I have applied for FP, but there are no spaces open for a Warlock (/cry) Anywho's, during the time when UCA existed I came up with an idea, a pretty great idea if you ask me. Everyone knows those two MP3's that Blizzard released last year about the Gnomish Adventures. Being a gnome character I though it would kick ass to create a movie on it. So, we began the filming, and due to poor time skills and people not showing up we never finished. That is why I am here right now, seeing if people would like to help remake this wonderful movie. I have the teaser trailer, or the opening scene from the Hallowe'en movie Here. Now I am quite aware on how busy everyone is right now with Christmas and everything, and doing guild stuff like MC and everything. So I was hopeing that people would like to help me even though I am not a part of FP or anything. I will supply a list of everything that is needed for the film: - 5 Gnomes (I will play the leader, so really 4 more) - A Human guard on horse (Preferably non-paladin. I have Becon) - Female Vendor - Male Defias (Willas I hope you kept all that armour ) - Female Defias (Can be the female vendor but in beige clothing) - Male Troll (Two ways to do this. Use a NE with Big Bad Vodoo and photoshop it blue/green or use the NPC Troll in STV) - Extras (to make places more lively) The places we would be going are: - Tinker Town, Ironforge - Duskwood - Westfall - Stranglethorn Vale I will link up the Original MP3 because Blizzard hates me. ~Exist2Inspire
  4. Have a great christmas and a awesome new year!
  5. Hello again. Most likely none, or very few of you, have been to the UCA boards in a long time, so I thought I'd pass along the final UCA video I will make. Basically, this is a tribute to UCA with many people included, and many other people that are excluded as well. I am very sorry if I had forgotten you, but UCA could never have been what it was without your help and support. http://www.pisschrist.net/uca/Exist2Inspir...ribute%2005.wmv That is the link to the tribute but please Download it to your harddrive. Twisted (owner of the FTP) doesn't want me to stream it as it uses up a lot of bandwith. I hope you all enjoy it, and It has been a wonderful journey. (I will still be on these boards, basically on the non-wow posts.. if those even exist, lol) Chris "Exist2Inspire" MacKinnon
  6. ....intresting... very intresting. I don't know how you could use that ability to your advantage (maybe to get out of a test, i dunno).
  7. What exactly is the ISU?
  8. I'm not even sure If I will be coming back or not. It all depends on how well I do at school, lol
  9. allo!
  10. I bet you I know what esteb is getting, hahaha
  11. I noticed in the where you work topic but thought nothing of it till I saw it again, but decided to keep my mouth shut, lol.
  12. has the game even been out for 200 days? I heard there was one guy from BlizCon who spent about 13 hours a day on WoW... 200 days is just wack
  13. lol thanks Erlin. I love my dreamcast... though I have spend way to much money at various stores just to get all those games. I think the most expensive one was Dead or Alive 2 (damn near brand new) for 19.99 USD.
  14. Yeah, well the old UCA forums are kinda bogus right now, so here is a nice place to take over....er.... post on... yes... post on... (evil laugh)
  15. Hey! I've got a good question for all of you: What do you like to collect or what is your biggest collection(s)? I quickly browsed and never saw a topic here so I decided to make it Me? I tend to collect Video Games, or atleast try to depending on my money restaints. Biggest Collection has to be my Dreamcast with 50 games and bunch of other stuff. Pics can be seen at http://spaces.msn.com/members/exist2inspire02 on the picture slideshow. What about all of you?
  16. I'm not in FP, but I know people who are. Anywhos, I work at a full-service car wash part-time (The Chamois) and I am a full-time student at Univeristy of Manitoba.
  17. Hello Everyone! I thought I would stop by and say hello to a bunch of you. Some of you may remember me while others have no fricken clue about who I am. The name is Chris, or Exist2Inspire. Use to be the leader of the United Canadian Alliance Guild on WoW until we disbaned. I do not play WoW anymore because of the time commitment, but I'll be here to talk and chat and what not. I'm from Winnipeg... dunno if anyone here is from Winnipeg so i'd thought I'd just say that. Whats up?
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