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Everything posted by Exist2Inspire
Well, its offical. I finally destroyed one of my subs! Well, it's not totally destroyed, but I tore the Voice Coil so everytime the bass its the metal frame vibrates causing an annoying vibrating sound. Heading out with my friend on Wednesday to replace them. Hopefully I'll be able to get FutureShop to upgrade me to the 12" p2
Amazingly, considering how much I blare my music and spin my tires cops have never pulled me over... Wait there was this one time they did. In January some woman rear-ended me and smashed up my entire back end (the trunk frame was damaged) with the licence plate part falling off. I grabed my screwdriver and removed the plate and shoved it in my back window. When I was driving home on an area with no lights I got pulled over by the police. They saw that I had no rear licence plate and that said licence plate was in the rear window. He was gonna write me a ticket and I said "Did you ever check out the rear end of my car?" The cop looked puzzled, looked at the rear end angrily and came back and said "I'm sorry son, have a good day"... idiot. I've actually had police pull up beside me, give a sign to roll down my passenger window and say "You've got some nice sound" and then drive away... hahahaha. <3 my car
Favourite Cartoon... hmmm I don't tend to watch a lot of cartoons now, but these are my favourites Cowboy Bebop South Park Family Guy Futurama Oh Futurama, how I cannot wait till the new episodes/mini-movies come out next year
Howdy all! Long time no chat, eh? Thought I'd drop by and show you what I've been doing since leaving Azeroth. The biggest thing that I've been doing is working on my car and just crusin' around Winnipeg. Quite fun actually, especially on Sunday Nights. Just so you know, Sunday night in Winnipeg is called Cruse Night and you just drive all over the city, by yourself or with your Car Club. Watching all the cool cars go by and maybe have a few Who Makes it to the Limit First things. So, this is the car that i've been working on. It's nothing spectacular but its fun to drive. It's a 2004 Grand Am GT. http://members.shaw.ca/ultimatex4/100_1261.jpg http://members.shaw.ca/ultimatex4/100_1262.jpg http://members.shaw.ca/ultimatex4/100_1263.jpg I'm trying to keep it stock looking just because it looks really nice, and living in Winnipeg with huge snow storms in Winter and Pot Hole capital of Canada, those body kits just take a shit dive. The only work that has been done body wise is adding two decals on each side window (car clubs) and making a new Brake Light. I'll post those pics up later once i've taken them, hehe. I'm also probably gonna add a grill to the front of the car, probably in either a Chrome colour or standard Aluminum. I've upgraded the Stereo with a Kicker Livin' Loud ZX 400.1 amplifier and two Rockford Fosquake P1's (300W each). My friend help me merge the Monsoon Amplifier and the Kicker amp to give out 600 Watts of power the the subs. Amazingly I havn't blown them to shit yet, even though we've cranked it to full power. The whole car shakes, which probably isn't a good thing, so I keep em powered at 1/4. http://members.shaw.ca/ultimatex4/100_1264.jpg http://members.shaw.ca/ultimatex4/100_1265.jpg http://members.shaw.ca/ultimatex4/100_1266.jpg Yeah I hooked it all up into the factory stereo just because AutoTheft and Vandalism is huge is the city and I don't want my precious taken away from me (cue Gollum voice now). They did a really good job hiding the bass boost in the car that it is virtually impossible to locate it. I'm really trying to stay away from any performance upgrades just because they are freakin' expensive and honestly I don't need a horsepower boost... yet. I just put in a new K&N Air Filter because my warrenty is expiring and I don't want to have to replace the shitty GM one's every XXXX KM. Just gotta clean that sucker and re use it. I'm probably going to add in a Sway Bar in the front, but not 100% sure. New spark plugs are going in because I'm aming to get those red ones to match the paint of my car. New headlight bulbs i'm picking up (Ultra White) because my headlights suck balls, the high beams included. Hell when I'm driving home at night (live near the outskirts of Winnipeg) there are few street lights. The fog lights are brighter than my low beams and the high beams maybe extend a few feet more than the low beams. Though typical GM says that it is in "Proper Working Order", kinda like what Blizzard says all those times. Besides from my car, I hang out with my friends when I'm not working (I work at a Car Wash, so i get access to over $5,000 worth of washing stuff, huzzah!) and try to catch as many movies as I can with my friends. Maybe this summer I'll see some of you because I'm heading down the States a lot this summer and across Canada. Who knows... Chris "Exist2Inspire" MacKinnon
Yeah, here's mine. Not much on there really. I've been meaning to put crap up, just havn't felt like it. http://www.myspace.com/exist2inspire02
Yeah, the WPS (Winnipeg Police Service) is introducing this as well. Gonna be nice and hopefully it will cut back the amount of unfound stolen cars.
I hope i'm posting in the right place, so here goes. Does any Prophet own an '05 Grand Am GT? I'm trying to find the Highest End Monsoon Radio from these cars as I would like to add XM radio to it, but none of the wreckers in the city have any '05. I really just want to know if you just need to subscribe to XM through GM for it to work or do you need those external ones? My car, for some reason completely beyond me, only has one Cigerette light which is being used 100% of the time (FM Transmitter for Laptop/iPod) and i'm too lazy/dont want to add another lighter. The other reason I need the damned XM-Ready radio so I can use the AUX to Car adapter for my iPod/Laptop as the FM Transmitter is a pain sometimes. And I don't want to buy an Aftermarket HU because the Car Theft/Vandalism is a pain in the butt up here and our Insurance Agency (one for all of Manitoba, MPI) will only give you money for said aftermarket HU and not replace it (the money you get is either what you paid for it - depreciated value [if you have the recipt] or some stupid flat rate of $75).... and I already got my Amp/Subs hooked up to my '04 Monsoon HU. Thanks! Chris MacKinnon
I should also say that all but 1 of my games doesn't work, everything else does (even that Atari 2600, and my NES games on the first boot) Dreamcast - NBC Showtime (Basketball Game feat. Shaq) I also have a crap load of PC games, though I rarely play them (darn you XP for not letting my play my Win95 games)
So what does everyone collect? I'm really curious to see what everyone has. Me, I tend to collect video games and also stuff for my car (which is quite small right now). Dreamcast, Wii, Genesis http://members.shaw.ca/ultimatex4/Consoles%201.jpg Nintendo 64, NES http://members.shaw.ca/ultimatex4/Consoles%202.jpg PlayStation and Dreamcast Games http://members.shaw.ca/ultimatex4/PSX%20%26%20DC%2001.jpg PlayStation and Dreamcast Games http://members.shaw.ca/ultimatex4/PSX%20%26%20DC%2002.jpg Super Nintendo Games http://members.shaw.ca/ultimatex4/SNES.jpg Xbox, Xbox 360 Games http://members.shaw.ca/ultimatex4/Xbox,%20X360.jpg PSP, Wii, GameCube Games http://members.shaw.ca/ultimatex4/PSP,%20Wii,%20GC.jpg - Sonic and the Secret Rings Not Pictured PSP, Genesis Games http://members.shaw.ca/ultimatex4/PSP,%20Genesis.jpg PSP Movies (Behind Games) - Hellboy - DarkStalkers Revenge: Alpha - Starship Troopers - Hallow man - National Lampoon's Van Wilder - Air Force One - Sin City Genesis, Atari 2600 Games http://members.shaw.ca/ultimatex4/Genesis,...tari%202600.jpg Non-Boxed Genesis Games - Jurassic Park - Batman Forever - Stargate (Ironically, I was watching Stargate Atlantis when I took these picture) PS2 Games http://members.shaw.ca/ultimatex4/PS2.jpg NES Games http://members.shaw.ca/ultimatex4/NES.jpg Black Carts - Rolling Thunder - R.B.I. Baseball Gold Carts - Legend of Zelda - Legend of Zelda II: Adventures of Link What is not pictured (Consoles) - Atari 2600 (In closet) - Super Nintendo (Bro's Room) - PS2, Xbox, X360 (Basement Rec Room) - Dreamcast Sports Bundle (In Box, In Closet) Games that are not pictured: GameBoy/Colour/Advanced - Super Mario Advance 1 & 2 - Mortal Kombat Advanced - Golden Sun - Golden Sun 2 - Super Street Fighter II Turbo Revival - Megaman Battle Network 1 - 5 - Legend of Zelda DX - Megaman Xtreme - Dragon Warrior 3 - Final Fantasy Legends II - Megaman I, IV - Super Mario Land 1 & 2 - Pokemon (Blue, Red, Yellow, Silver, Gold) - Donkey Kong Land 2 - Tetris - Dr. Mario - Batman Forever - Spiderman/X-Men: Arcade's Revenge - Empire Strikes Back Nintendo 64 - 1080 Snowboarding - Blast Corps - Diddy Kong Racing - Donkey Kong 64 - Goldeneye 007 - In The Zone - Jet Force Gemini - Legend of Zelda, The: Majora's Mask - Legend of Zelda, The: Ocarina of Time - Lego Racers - Mischief Makters 64 - Mortal Kombat 4 - Perfect Dark - Ridge Racer 64 - Star Fox 64 - Star Wars Rogue Squadron - Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire - Turok: Dinosaur Hunter - Turok: Rage Wars - Worms Armageddon - NBA In the Zone 2000 - Extreme G 2 - Jet Force Gemini - Pokemon Stadium - Star Wars: Episode 1 Racer Total Numbers Dreamcast: 64 Genesis: 16 PSX: 52 PS2: 67 PSP: 24 (+7 Movies) XBox: 57 X360: 10 NES: 15 SNES: 23 N64: 27 GC: 7 Wii: 5 GB/C/A: 20 Atari: 11 My second Collection, or Hobby is working on my Car. 2004 Grand Am GT (< 50,000 KM) Stock Monsoon System (200 Total Watts, 6 Speakers) All I've done thus far: Modded my Kensington FM Transmitter right into my car (Only the wire shows) Upgraded my Stereo: - 400.1 Kicker Livin' Loud Amplifier (400 Watts) - 2 10" Rockford Fosqate P1 Replaced my Eagle RS-A Tires with BFGoodwrench Traction TA's (I find they're better) Unfortunately, my car just got back from the Collision Centre for it's repairs so it is freakin' dirty, So i'll post pics of it later. And if you're wondering why it was in the Collision Centre was because some woman rear-ended me and it took 3 weeks to be repaired ($5600 Damages, $800 for Rental Van & then Car). So what do you all Collect? ~Exist2Inspire
Hey all! Just thought i'd pass this website onto all of you, as I found it quite useful. Basically, it is a place where you can post custom and original covers for various games. Say you go to your local EB/Gamestop and buy Metal Gear Solid 2 for the PS2, but because the idiot who owned it before lost the cover, it has one of those cheesy handwritten ones. Well off this site you can download the original cover (It even has some custom ones and PAL/JPN ones as well). What's even better is they have some for Sega CD, Saturn, as well as your Game Boy (Original, Advance, Colour), Super Nintendo, NES and N64. Cool huh? You can order special cases for most of the cartrudge games off this site: http://www.mediashelving.com/Merchant2/mer...tegory_Code=VHS and then print off the covers for easy recognization! Here are some examples of what I mean: http://members.shaw.ca/ultimatex4/mmx.jpg http://members.shaw.ca/ultimatex4/bot9Green.jpg Anywhos, the link to the Cover Project is: http://www.thecoverproject.net/index.php Hopefully this site can be useful to you! Chris
Makes me want to come back and get to lv 70 (though i think i deleted my character )
6449 6811 3234 3151 Right now I only have WiiSports and Zelda:TP. I'll be buying Elebits and Wario Ware: Smooth Moves sometime next week (of course, I still need to find those blasted Wiimotes and Nunchucks)
Here's my gamer tag: Exist2Inspire02 See Ya on Live!
Hello FP! How is everyone doing? Happy New Year by the way! I've decided to stop by and see how everyone is doing today, as it has been a while since I was last here (Septemeber 21 as I believe the homepage said). I've been having a great time at my second year of University! All A's and B's in my first semester, and hopefully I can keep it up for this semester as well. I'm still not 100% sure what faculity i'm going to major in, but i've tied it down to something within Business or Computer Science (maybe both... maybe). I had a blast during the fall and early winter with my car. I mananged to put in a 400 Watt Kicker Amplifier and 2 10" Rockford Fosgate Subs... boy does my Grand Am sound kick ass. Unfortunately, this past Tuesday some woman rear ended my car, and it took some serious damage. http://members.shaw.ca/ultimatex4/BackEnd01.jpeg http://members.shaw.ca/ultimatex4/BackEnd02.jpeg Not pretty, eh? The worst part was I had to clean it before the insurance company would inspect it (so they catch all the damage), and boy, there was a lot more damage than I though. The rear frame is bent and the outside frame to the trunk is bent... big time. I hope they don't write it off ('04, under 50,000 KM's), but even if they do I have New Car Guarntee (as it is still under warrenty) and my Insurance Company will find me the next best Grand Am that has under 50,000K and is a GT. Plus, it's my birthday as well! YAY! Turning 20 on Monday, January 22. And I also managed to snag a Wii 2 weeks ago, and got an Xbox 360 for Christmas (Wii60 ). I'll post up my Wii Code and Gamertag shortly. Enjoy the new year, and i'll try to post more often.
dreamcastaphobiaids. Fear of Dreamcast
Today has been a really interesting day, both at home and then at work. I woke up this morning at 6:00 because I have to start getting ready for school, but I made the stupid mistake of going to bed at 3:00 am. So, I had 6 hours before I had to go to work, so I managed to make some Waffles with Vanilla Ice cream. around 8:00 I became bored and decided to play some N64, namely Legend of Zelda OOT. So I plugged everything in, ploped the N64 ontop of my NES and tried booting it up... nothing... NOTHING! I started freaking out... OMG OMG My N64 is broken... then I realize that i forgot to plug it into the power bar... thank god it booted up (OOT = Ocarina of Time, which is FTW) I played that for about an hour, then I decided to go back a few years and play the first Legend of Zelda... which didn't boot up, but that was typical of a 20+ year old game. So i tested out Duck Hunt, which didn't load, nor did SMB. So I made sure the console was plugged in, which it was, so I went and grabbed the Rubbing Alcohol and cleaned it... which didn't work. So I scrumaged through my house looking for a screwdriver to open my NES to clean the Pin-Connector. rehoocked it up, and still got that blinking screen of death. So i tried again and BOOM! I blew the upstairs fuse and lost power to everything. So I went downstairs and fliped the switch and came upstairs. My TV would turn on, but the picture tube didn't engage. I'm like "Okay" so I try the N64... Nothing... the NES... Nothing, nothing from the DVD Player either... now I'm scared. Sooo then I walk over to my Dreamcast and hit the power button... the system powers on.. "Sweet fricken God, it works..." then it shut off... it just shut off. Now i really, really started freaking out. My Laptop was still charging, and my printer was working but nothing else. I started to disconnect everything, not giving up that it didn't work. I re-connencted everything to the basement TV and then I heard the familar sound of the DreamCast! w00000t. My TV worked downstairs and everything else did. It seems that I had too many things running off the surge protector that it blew the fuse, but thankfully that powerbar absorbed the surge. I guess having the TV, Laptop, N64, and turning on the NES at the same was was not that smart of an Idea. After all that running around, it was time to grab lunch and then head off to work. When i got into my car, i noticed my brother had spilled Coke all over the cup holder, so I would have gotten that cleaned up at work.. as i'm back out onto the street and start readjusting the mirrors (while the car is in drive, and my foot on the brake) 2 wasps fly though the downed windows and fly near my hand. I freak out, and somehow slam the gas pedal and not realize it... until i'm on my lawn... I arrive at work, and start early. I get into a car and BAM! I hit my ear/head on the top part of the car and fall out, while my good friend starts laughing at me. About 30 minutes later i get into a Van and hit my head on those stupid LCD screens for the DVD player and hear a snap. Never told anyone about it, but i think i broke one of the hinges. There was a nice Corvette Z06 that came in today, but with my stroke of accidents today, i decided to stay away from it. I also managed to cut my left hand ring finger when i was working with that same friend that laughed at me. She pointed out that there was blood over the hood of the car and all over my finger... !@#$ So that was my day, it got better near the end because it got really slow and gave my some time to sit back and relax... well maybe stand around and do squat. So far, since i got home i've only managed to piss off my parents because they told me that they had ordered Pizza and I had go pick it up. I refused, but ended up doing it. So My lesson learned? Get a good night's rest and this wont happen, lol.
I just want to say, i've seen it 2 more times, and it is still funny... espeically when that guy goes to the bathroom. "There's a Snake on my D..." rofl
actually Krotas, PSX and PSOne are two different things (according to me that is ) The PSX is the original PlayStation that was released which did not have (initially) the Dual Shock component and was pretty big (and was also the name given to the PS2 PVR). The PSOne, was the PlayStation re-released and was really slimmed down, and had no Reset Button
Name: Chris Location: Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada (Go Jets Go!) Age: 19 (20 soon... shiver) Work: I work at a full-service car wash, but my real job is going to University (during the school year) Hobbies: Going to movies, hanging out with friends, playing games (Oh.. soo many systems/games, so little time) I was, and still am, a member of UCA (it exists in us now) and used to be the Guild leader for the WoW Division. I know most of the UCA guys and Enlighten guys from War3 and WoW, and they are the ones who told me if I ever came back to WoW to sign up for FP, which I was glad I did I attend the University of Manitoba and following the Acturial Sciences department and taking a minor in computer science (its fun ). Now my gaming life... theres a lot to be said. I own a lot of systems (NES, SNES, N64, DC, PSX, PSOne, PS2, Xbox, GB, GBC, GBA) but my favourite one is my beloved DreamCast! Mwa hahaha DreamCast > all (50+ legit games, and still growing), and amazingly i still play it from time to time. So thats me.
Well, I just got from the opening showing of Snakes on a Plane, and boy it was not what I expected at all... It's an Amazing Movie!!! OMG I was thinking going into it that is was gonna be such a bullcrap movie, soo pointless, and stupid... i mean Snakes on a Plane? Who in their right mind would put snakes on a plane. It is a really hillarious movie and a pretty darn good action-packed thrill ride, which I will give oo / 5 Basically, an FBI agent (Samuel L. Jackson) must escort an eye-witness to a murder to L.A. to confess who the killer was. As the board Pacific Flight 121, an assasin out to kill the eye-witness unleashes numerous deadly snakes upon everyone on the plane... Yes it sounds really stupid, but its not... Go see it... now!
Roger, Roger.... Begin Searching Mechanism!
I'll check for that sign Jules... hold on while i try to find it
1) Save a tree... wipe your ass with an owl 2) 5/4 of people have a problem with fractions 3) Why do Kamikaze pilot's wear helmets?