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Everything posted by Thev

  1. Yeah, but how cool would it be for the REAPER to have a HALO ;p
  2. Ok I don't post here too much but I had to vent somewhere.... Blizzard has screwed me twice now. With the latest patch, I as a shadow priest, recieved next to nothing in upgrades on my talent tree. Nothing worth bragging about at any rate (holy stole the limelight). But now they have really done it. Check out the stats on Tier 3 set for priests (Faith). "increases healing done by spells and effects"? What happened to the damage? There is absolutely no reason for me to even attempt to get this set unless they make a damage to spell bonus to the gear also ("increases damage and healing done by spells and effects"). I know that I am a priest and i'm supposed to heal.. blah.. blah. I pride myself on being basically a healing mage. That's what I created the character to be. Someone who swings both ways... who can play both sides of the field. By not giving me a damage bonus on the set Blizz has effectively rendered the entire tier useless to shadow priests.
  3. Thev


    Whoops... this was supposed to go under the Shitlist thread.. have no clue how it ended up here. Sorry all. Webmaster move it if you can:}
  4. Thev


    Verana... Human Warrior I believe. Ninja'd LF from Baron then logged. I have screenshots. Also, she logged in like a month later (had her on my friends list). When I confronted her/him about it she said she did it cause our grp was full of losers (have the SS from that conversation too). If I wasn't so lazy I would get around to figuring out how to post all that kinda crap. ALSO... is there any way we can compile this list into another gui link on the page? Something where you just click on SHITLIST and it brings up all the players on the list. Then if you want exact details you can click on thier name and it tells thier class, offense, faction, race... etc.
  5. Thev

    Real Life RPG

  6. Thev

    The Runeblade

    Oh yeah... gratz
  7. Thev

    The Runeblade

    Does the movement speed stack with the Pally movement speed skill? It specifically says on the tooltip "does not stack with other movement enhancing effects". Which is ridiculous cause that mutes my carrot, my spurs, glove enchant, and now this sword too!!!!! They need to make that damn pally skill stackable.
  8. P.S. ....... What a tool.
  9. Oh Man... This would have been frickin hilarious if they deleted his character while he was running around the dorm.. I even thought that's what they were going to do when the camera moved back into the room and you could still hear him screaming on the second floor... no luck:{
  10. Thev

    Thank you FP

    Don't let Bliz see that Pic Ghost. You know thier policy on mules
  11. http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d163/addict4u/ThevKatyna.jpg
  12. I find this post highly inefficient. I need a static list of alliance ninjas that I can quickly reference without having to dig through 20 pages of posts. Is there any way this thread can be compiled into a list that gets updated weekly?
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