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Everything posted by Thev

  1. Take solace in the fact that Pally drops are happening on the horde side (note the use of merged guild names)
  2. Thev

    New 300 Trailer.

    I will be attending an advanced screening of this next month.. I'll let you all know how it is ..... Heh, just kidding, can't wait to see it also
  3. Thev

    Bank items missing

    Total agreement... you hit the nail on the head with this one.
  4. I'm at work and can't see youtube or thott... does emberstrife drop anything worthwhile?
  5. Is Fabio going to be on the cover art?
  6. Thev


  7. Thev


    I wouldn't brag about being Canadian ;p
  8. Anyone in the guild using Cadega?
  9. You look exactly like Darkness from the movie Legend.
  10. Thev

    Moving On

    Well.... it's like the subject says. I'm moving on. This has nothing to do with the Prophets. You guys are great. It has to do with myself, my play style, and my schedule. I've been with the guild since the merge and have enjoyed every second of it. I've helped alot of you get to where you are today and vice versa. I have and will always be willing to help out anyone in the guild regardless of where I go to. So don't remove me from your friends lists ;p. Good luck all. You will be missed.
  11. Ha... So I could log onto my 60 Horde Rogue on Bonechewer and enter a BG with FP to see how good we really are.... that's funny.
  12. BLEH......... I just found out I am going to be in Tampa the 19th to the 24th for a wedding... JUST MISSED IT!!!!!. If anyone is going to still be in the area those dates we can probably head out to a bar or something. Reply to this post if your up to it and i'll send you my Cell # via PM.
  13. Thev


    An insignificant country whose main export is comedians and mediocre beer.
  14. Thev

    Nexus Crystals?

    Naxx is upon us... any word on Nexus Crystals coming from the bank? I hate seeing "[Denied]" in the bank forum next to my name.... so thought I'd get some clarification here.
  15. OMG look at the DPS on the Doomfinger wand... it's like... why bother casting spells?
  16. The first few are pretty funny... but watch the last 3 for a real laugh. No way they could do this in the U.S. without some major lawsuits. http://www.jokaroo.com/funnyvideos/massage...hair_prank.html
  17. O..... M.... eye.... GOD. It must suck to be so incredibly blessed with such a useless talent. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=47...181634656145640
  18. This was really well done... I think it may be a commercial for wow from japan? http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-4...476850948386379
  19. Thev

    Party of Five

    You looking to run it? Or have someone run you through it?
  20. Heh.. you don't need someone your own lvl to run deadmines;p I am on every night... just ask if thev is on. Kat and my hunter have a nice little technique that allows us to clear Stocks in 10 mins. We can run you through a couple dozen times for gear and a smidge of XP. Same thing with VC.. though that takes a little longer.
  21. SLUT Pride?
  22. Barrel needs
  23. Thev

    Ready to Raid

    I would have put this in the class specific forums but it involves multiple classes... so no need to make multiple posts. If you are not a Priest, Pally, Hunter, or Mage... disregard this post:} After almost a year with FP I am finally going to start raiding a bit. Here is the problem though. I can't raid without Katyna (she won't let me). Since Thev is on the same account as Katyna I will not be able to bring him along yet (until Kat's Rogue hits 60:}). So the only way I can raid is if I can get Katyna (60 Mage) and Barrel (60 Hunter) or Gah (60 Pally) into a raid. This is going to be more than a little tricky as I will also not know until the day of a raid if we can join or not. Since raid's fill up almost as soon as sign-ups open there is little chance of me getting us both in on the same day for the same raid via sign-ups or overflow (wouldn't matter anyway cause I can't sign up in advance). This is where you all come in. I was wondering if any Mages, Hunters, or Pallys would be willing to let Kat and I sub in at the beginning of a raid for the first 1 or 2 bosses in some of the raids (this I can plan in advance because it wouldn't be more than an hour or 2). The hardest part of this is going to be finding a Mage + Pally/Hunter on the same day willing to give up a spot. Some of the hard-core raiders already have the gear they need from these bosses and there are epics being disenchanted that I would rather see not converted into Nexus Crystals:}. I can be reached by PM, in this thread, or in the game most every night. Thanks in advance... Thev and Kat.
  24. Heh... agree... not one +str or +agi in the entire set. I am ret specced with gah... so again, this tier is pretty much useless to me. /sigh
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