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Posts posted by Volkv

  1. Eh im thinkin bout being a shaman for shitz and giggles but i really dont know...i want to see how everything turns out with all the classes and stuff before i decide! oh and i might come back and play wow as a rogue though...maybe even on skullcrusher so i might see everyone once again! /miss FP and all the good times i had with you all! we'll see though...


    Warhammer is supposed to be based soly on PvP with like PvE for the people who dont like confrontation and like to stick to themselves and kill monsters that dont pose much of a challenge....i cant wait i think the Warhammer PvP will be > WoW PvP by far....to bad they pushed the release back eh?


    well look for me in the next few weeks....i think my name will be ozwinks 70 rogue im not sure though!



    /bye for now

  2. Hi everyone! hope all is well happy belated b-day! just droppin by to see whats goin on in the WoW world...i quit playing after i hit 70 for the second time it just got boring...also wanted to ask everyone if they are gonna play Warhammer when it comes out because i sure am! and i hope to see all the old names playing too! need a server full of FPedians haha well hope you WoW journey is goin good FP im out!

  3. Hi Hi everyone! remember me? lol its volkv! just wanted to drop by and say whats up and check out whats goin on with FP! Im on korgath now and re-rolled as a rogue haha my priest is 64 and my rogue is 70! hope all is goin good with FP! /miss

  4. I'd like to bid FP farewell! I had a great time with you all! Whisper me if you need a priest!


    People need to understand that sometimes you do stupid things. I've had my Ace ninja'd from me, out rolled from me, and everything else from me for the past 8 months. 8 months! The people in the group didn't even know what the card was for, so I impulsive took it thinking "this isn't happening to me again". It was wrong, but theres nothing I can do about it now. If people were considerate, that would help us all to never have to be inconsiderate as well. But what's done is done, and can't be undone now.


    However, I have been debating leaveing FP for reasons that involve raiding, as after I got hacked I was then demoted, and unable to regain my normal raid spot with this guild. FP just has too many priests, and I wasn't one of the lucky ones to go on 40 mans, even though myself and some others thought I deserved it.


    So I bid you all farewell and good luck with your journey's through Azeroth. Im sure I will see you all again along the way.


    Thanks for reading,





  5. Hey FP!! Don't count me out yet guys I WILL be back! I got sick so I haven't been able to much of anything let alone bug blizzard to make them give me my account back, but as im feeling better i will work on gettin Volkv back! I will return....better then ever!


    Also I haven't been around but i have heard about FP's advancing in AQ! Congratz! and Good Luck for the trest I hope to join you all again in some Epic battles!



  6. F! i dont have a non -premade character priest dammit now i gotta dun take myself off the dang sign-ups! jee-wiz....btw pots are free inside naxx! major healing and mana pots !! and there is a reagent vendor in there so no more fogettin candles...and what else....i been busy in there this weekend...oh its bugged.....to hellzor like mobs are friendly BUT they become unfreidnly at any moment and whizipe your raid.....umm what else what else...this is all from the PvE server btw....ummm dont do the side with the four stitchings....its hard lol....the gargoyle side seemed easyiest to start....uh hmm ummm.....i think thats it....yeah hmmm /cry i can't go now! /hate RP/PVP! oh! and since everyone asked me how i got the moon on my head you right-click ur portrait and there is a new option...it will be obvious rofl but do it pick a icon and your pwn! and ready to rumble in naxx!.....


    "like wtf mate, how did j00 get that m00n on j00 head?"


    yeah krotas's was to clear while reading so i had to make my own version of things....i had fun so leave me alone!


    I ALMOST FORGOT! some undead in Naxx can't be shackled.....i was being a noob mage and tearing shit up in there so i couldn't see for myself....but th priests in the group said NO! so beware! hehe i hope this is all usefull =D

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