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Posts posted by Volkv

  1. Hey All,


    Some of you may remember me and hopefully so! I am planning on getting into Classic when its released and hope to run into some of you guys along the way! FP was the start and from my own doing the end of it all for me in terms of my most enjoyable memories and time playing the game. I hope someone actually reads this and will reach out!



  2. lol well yes I got it out of my system and its hard to believe I was prob around 16 when it all went down, and yeah i pretty much realized i was a d-bag after I was asked to leave FP /cry and /tear I just want to be back in the fun loving guild that gave me my best WoW experiences =( /love

  3. phew well i wasnt expecting to wake up to 14 posts hahaha but i appreciate all the comments and support /love and for one thing i can say is 3 months just wont be enough this time if FP is my guild. i played for like a couple weeks and quit cause one of my formers guilds was entirely asian and everyone spoke madarin.....LOL that was my last guild on korgath before i came back thisa timeee but I have always had a good time with FP and i am totally sure I will still have a good time. and for that ace of beasts you ask? well i seem to look at too much pron cause i got hacked once again and it was alll gone =( right before BC came out but nowadays i have a different computer for WoW and school so i only play WoW on this one and everything else music and downloading goes on the other one lol. anyway yeah karma is what it is and the ace is gone so hopefully the bad feelings are too =( /miss FP oh and naked pics? NP they will be in EVERYONES inbox soon enough =P /love once again thanks for the support guys

  4. 1. RL Name: John

    2. Age:19

    3. Main Character's Name: Volkv

    4. Class: Priest

    5. Level: 70

    6. Alts (class, name, level):

    Shoobie - 52 Shaman


    7. Previous Realm (if not from Skullcrusher): ;)

    8. Name of your last and/or current guild:

    The Boston Stranglers, Was intending to level my alt there with people that are the same level, but I have fallen in love with my priest all over again.


    9. Reason for leaving that guild:

    Still There


    10. Reason for wanting to join FP: I had the best experiences in WoW when i was in FP, and everytime I play WoW I /who Forgotten Prophets to see familliar names to /wave at. =)


    11. FP Sponsor (say "None" if you have none):

    Tutubo! and Reinhard both told me I should apply. Also Ryee who I played with in Wendigo


    12. Does this sponsor know you IRL or in-game?

    In Game since the year one of FP, congratz on 3 years old btw!!!


    13. Do you own a [item]Dartol's Rod of Transformation[/item]? If you do not, please explain why.

    Hahaha Yes!! I got it for the very reason that everyone in FP has it.


    14. Anything else you would like to say about yourself: (this is your chance to show us your personality, fill it in)


    Well lets see here.... My name is John, I am 19 and I go to community college for now and plan to attend a 4 year university come spring. I love MMORPG's I play Warhammer but cant get away from WoW enough to go anywhere with it haha. I am a normal 19 year old that is laid back and likes to have fun. I have a girlfriend who has pretty much told me to get my butt into college so she changed my life a tad. A lot of you know me from 2 years ago and I would say my attitude has changed a bit since. I listen more now. lol I help more now. I dont talk near as much as i used to and i tend to steer clear of disagreements. I heal now and I know anyone who knew me before would say wtf mate?! heal me!! and i would say no thanks im purple i cant heal. now i say sure thing man inc heal =). im really bad at telling people about myself it seems. FPFTMFW


    Raid Application

    If you want to be a raiding member and meet the minimum requirements below please post the raid application in addition to the basic application. If you're applying because you are a friend or family of a current member and only wish to be guilded with them please fill out the basic application only.


    Minimum Requirements: Must be level 70, have experience raiding in BC and preferably pre-BC, keyed/attuned for all raid instances, working microphone and able to use Ventrillo, stable connection, and a reliable computer.


    14. What instances you are keyed for?

    Everything that needs a key or attunement, I have. =)


    15. How long have you been raiding and what experience do you have?

    I started raiding Pre-BC with FP the coolest guild skullcrusher has ever seen. Post BC i have been to kara/za/mags/gruuls/ssc


    16. Spec & Gear: http://www.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.x...her&n=Volkv

    (Please take the time to find your character using Blizzards website and provide the link to your toon for us to take a gander at. Please, give us a good idea any extra items you have. The more detailed you are the better.)


    Lights Justice

    Wicked Witches Hat

    Staff of Infinite Mysteries

    Robes of Elder Scribes

    Vial of the Sunwell

    Nathrizem Mindblade

    Boots of Pious

    Cudgel of Concentration

    Pontifex Kilt



    Gear I have since upgraded from.


    17. Reference(s) from your previous guild(s): Minimicmak(guild leader)

    18. Are you more of a Hardcore gamer or a Casual gamer? In between, I come on as much as posssible but I wont skip out on real life for heroic ramparts. =D

    19. Approximate playing schedule (server times please):


    Sunday:All day/night(some weekend i visit my girlfriend in boston)

    Monday:10PM - All night

    Tuesday:5PM - All night

    Wednesday:7pm - all night

    Thursday:5pm - all night

    Friday:5pm - all night(some weekend in boston)

    Saturday:all Day all Night(some weekends in boston)



  5. i cant seem to ever get this right lol eh it looks alright on my screen....not tooo too plain now...added some fire and trees hehehopefully hosting is fixed now i used imageshack.us like you suggested =D thanks for ze help

  6. So i was trolling the forums and all as always now-a-days and i figured i mise well make a sig for myself so i downloaded PSCS2 (torrents ftw) and made this....plan simple and easy but its too plain...any siggestions? you all have great sigs so i figured i would ask

  7. grrrr my school is so lame....they have the entire WoW website blocked on Novell...soooo lame i cant even trol the forums during school and if i "subvert security" a.k.a. use a proxy then i get a saturday and lose my interent for 30 days! :evil:

  8. i think i have had a FP Forum relapse....i always find myself trolling the forums i dont get it....why is FP so addicting?!!? well hopefully i will be back monday if i get my lazy ass to the bank and get my account re-activated and transfered back to skullcrusher....anyone care to meet me in nagrand? we can duel to the death! muhuhahaha i will probably lose cause my fingers arent properly worked out from months of no wow...andway /troll FP Forums

  9. i miss the FP familia....where the heck is esteban anyway? havent seen a post from him yet?! oh and hi sploit im volkv...used to be a priest now a rogue and i quit wow for a few months but will be back shortly....we WILL meet...

  10. so yeah im most likely coming back to skullcrusher and gonna start playing again....all i really want to do is PvP with FP again cause it was like pretty much the bestest most funnest thing i ever dun did in the world of warcraft......you all better PvP still! :D

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