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Everything posted by Krotas

  1. ew, I have to share a birthday post with felz? I demand a recount! <3 you guys
  2. sorry? why? and thanks for the input all! (late replies are ftw)
  3. Thanks for the input shad! Also very nice stuff you got yourself =D WTH you going to do with 6 gigs of RAM? play wow and hello kitty at the same time? =P
  4. So right now I'm running on a GeForce 8800 graphics card with a terabyte of memory, 4 gigs of RAM and an intel core 2 DUO processor. I'm thinking about upgrading to a GeForce GTX 295. I'll also be getting a new disk drive since the one I have now appears to be broken (I might also have to upgrade my power source; I'm not sure if my current one will be able to handle a GTX 295). I don't need any more memory and I figure 4 gigs of RAM will be fine for another couple years. Does anyone have any input or advice to offer? I want to be sure I'm getting the right stuff before I go spend all that money >.< Thanks!
  5. Yes but then they'd have to give the title to half the players on SC
  6. ..or the original for that matter.
  7. wtf is this bull? A contest that goes from California to New York and they can't include Toronto? Also according to firefox their security certificate expired two days ago and as such I can't sign up anyways. lawl
  8. Ever hear of it? It came out in 3.1 and only a handful of people in the world have it. Here's a summary of what you have to do for the insane title: "Complete Todo List: Kill Several Hundred Booty Bay Bruisers [depending on how many goblin quests you have done, it normal only takes about 5-600] Run DM north completing the 2 quests inside a total of 193 times. [max speed is 5 dungeon resets per hour] Collect 86 Librams [any combination] and the various materials needed to complete each of them Kill a few Sydicate And/or collect emblems to reach friendly Collect 2600 Heavy Junkboxes from pickpocketing level 55-60 mobs to get to exalted from friendly, 1405 if your at 11999/12k honored from killing syndicate. Collect Either 1480 Craftable darkmoon decks, 106 epic decks, or any combination of the two to reach exalted from 2k/6k friendly" If you didn't catch it from the above list, this is the achievement's requirements: Gain exalted reputation with: The entire Steamwheedle Cartel, darkmoon faire, Ravenholdt, shen'dralar, oh and get honored with bloodsail buccaneers - and don't go below honored when getting your cartel rep back. ...That's 40,000-60,000 gold in materials you need to farm, and hundreds of hours of grind time. Here's a link to a guide someone's making as he attempts to do this. He's been at it for about a month now and is 38% done (he posts his progress for everyone to see): http://brighthammer.guildomatic.com/forums...wtopic.php?p=98
  9. We raided last night and I totally owned face on the meters. Representin' FP!
  10. After reading everything you have done I have nothing new to offer except this: Many occasions in the past my monitor would stay black when I started up the PC, and I found that (for me) this was always solved by plugging in the power cable for the monitor into another outlet. Apparently I was shorting whichever one it was plugged in to, and switching it to another outlet fixed it instantly. Not much, but it's all I got =P
  11. Aw <3 So they tell me that when I walk into a raid I'll be handed food and flasks, and apparently they pay all of my repairs. At all times. Raid or not. Forever. Epic?
  12. Krotas


    I didn't see that one coming =/
  13. I've had a truly great time playing with everyone in FP (except Beorn), but sadly I have taken my leave. The uld 25 runs that shiki, myrevenge and myself were working hard to run fell into utter ruin (no one showed up!) and because I really want to see end game content 25 man style, I've joined lucid. All my alts are still in FP and I hope to still do 10 mans with the FP gang. On a lighter note, Lucid members welcomed me to their guild with a curse-fest in my honor, since they know FP doesn't allow it =P My time with FP was amazing - I leave with 100's of screen shots and terabytes of happy memories With much love, Keyknight Krotas Greg
  14. awesome, thanks!
  15. I took this 5 minutes ago =D I totally didn't want to wait for that stupid mob to circle around, so i dismounted mid-air and aggro'd him on the way down - he didn't take 30% of my hp xD
  16. what is that you are using that displays your runes in a square window like that? I find most of the DK addons are too flashy or include too much info; I just want to see if my rune is ready or not and have no other info displayed, lol PS. I'll take a screeny and post it in a min xD
  17. wow accounts don't work. It took me about 5 tries of inputting various wow keys (original, BC, WOTLK, WOTLK special edition I got a day later...) before I noticed the fine print listing the games that work... wow isn't on the list.
  18. Krotas


    grats on your ding sakx!
  19. lol, in trade chat: "where is the auction house in dalaran" xD
  20. Great. Tonight we went in there with a great show of support from the guild, and great support from skilled players from guilds such as Venture Bros. and even Immortality. We had a large number of players who had either never been to uld before, or had only been once or twice before - and yet we still went in there and owned face. We one shot the first boss, then, after having to deal with lag-induced whipes on Razor, brought her down as soon as the lag cleared up. We wrapped up the evening by struggling on XT 002 for a bit, but on the last attempt of the night brought him down like those before him! We're making progress guys! If there is one thing holding us back, it would be the need for support from skilled players such as yourselves. So remember: the raid sign up page is working just as it was before, and raids are scheduled for the same times as always. I know a lot of FP members are very resistant to raiding with "pugs" so I want anyone who feels that way to consider this: our run made the same progression in uld in one night as the full-FP raids did in a week! Congrats to all those that came, all those that won loot, and great job everyone! See you all there!
  21. Well I haven't discussed this with the others yet, but I was always a bit annoyed by the way FP loot worked (ie. everyone saved their RTU and only rolled RTE unless it was on saph or KT, and because of this you had DPS winning tank loot and tanks winning dps loot when the main spec rollers actually needed it). But at the same time, because uld is so new and no one expects to see the last boss in a single run, people seem to be much more eager to use up their RTU's right away, so it may not be an issue at all. But again, this is just me thinking out loud =)
  22. grats on your ding bel
  23. I organize the first raid and Shiki saves the day? xD lol j/king! But anywho like shiki said guys it won't be quite the same as what FP raiders are used to, but we are trying to keep the FP raiding spirit alive =) Come on out and show your support! <3
  24. That was pretty good. But I think the real issue here is when will Gryph get back in the doorway that is wow? =P
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