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Everything posted by usagi

  1. usagi


    OOOOHHHH Ill play as long as were on the same team and um yeah if i shoot you it was an accident i swear
  2. Yeah Branham there is an age requirement its 21 if you are under 21 you must be accompanied by someone who is 25 or older /sigh i had to fight with the manager of D&B on my last birthday over this issue I dont think youll have a problem getting in though as long as you arrive with someone over 25 and i think there are a couple of people who can help you out with that
  3. usagi

    Ink help

    Well I may not have an idea but I know a great tattoo artist If youre getting it done down here I would suggest going to this guy he did my tattoos and a lot of people i know hes good and clean Dietsch at Skinwerks (www.skinwerks.com) He is more into fantasy stuff but the owner of the place does awesome portrait type work
  4. Im not going because im not going to get stuck sitting at someone else's booth and selling their stuff >< NEVER AGAIN and /ninja kick to the free hugs kids face (branham that means you and joey to!)
  5. LMAO!!!!!
  6. I don't think that your only problem is movies sanctity. Snakes are just one of those creatures that arent usually considered 'cuddly' and most people just have a natural fear of them without seeing movies like...Anaconda...or Snakes on a Plane (which is ftmfw) My mom is terrified of snakes and won't even watch them on t.v. or even touch a plastic one. They dont use the snakes to demonize them they are just an animal that people are usually just afraid of anyway and they make a good horror movie...sometimes or a great comedy. And as far as people owning a snake as a pet...if they are ignorant they dont need to get a snake anyway they are an exotic pet that requires a lot of knowledge to deal handle and care for. Your not going to change a persons mind about snakes if they are scared of them. No reason to bad talk a movie that you havent seen and get upset about them. Educate people about snakes if you really want to make a difference you seem adamant about the issue so act dont complain
  7. Well I think if people are stupid enough to believe a fictional movie than they should fear the DEMON SNAKES RARRR!!! If we are going to get rid of the crazy snakes movies what about the bats, ants, rabbits (there really is one), bees and all the other crazy animal/bug movies. Its just a movie
  8. ROFLS!!!! Shiki I do believe that actually fits this link very well XD
  9. Hykos I didnt think you would actually put that pic up /sigh The emoting wasnt enough for you i guess It was a great lan i loved standing at the stables...doing nothing...lol
  10. if you can't walk im leavin you there
  11. I like the pirate pic but i have a thing for pirates O.o
  12. Can you put me in overflow not sure if ill make it of not
  13. www.myspace.com/usagimidori yay
  14. Omg you guys are such nerds...oh wait damn i play wow.
  15. Lol that would be awesome!
  16. If you dont take down the pic ill hurt you....ill gouge you with my hook
  17. Omg i told you not to post that pic of my face >< shiki damn you! That is not my proper pirate face Heh the guy said hardocre music for my difficult tat lol
  18. You're not in every pic....just almost all of them They were the funniest out of all the pics. Hykos + Alcohol = Hilarious
  19. Happy New Year Forgotten Prophets!!! I hope everyone had a fun and safe New Year! I know the Atlanta folks did. I thought I would entertain you guys with a few pictures from the celebration. Kaslor and our friend Eric sporting some festive hats http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b201/usagimidori/Picture008resized.jpg Garetsu, Hykos, and Thornblade dueling it out on Soul Calibur 3! http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b201/usagimidori/Picture020resized.jpg Kalor and Hykos took the dueling a little bit further...looks like Kaslor wins. http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b201/usagimidori/Picture032resized.jpg Garetsu and Usagi try and get in on the dueling by /taunting Hykos and Kaslor. http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b201/usagimidori/Picture035resized.jpg Hykos has a timed quest he must finish is drink in 15 seconds or he fails! (Stephen makes sure he doesnt cheat) http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b201/usagimidori/Picture031resized.jpg Hykos lost! Usagi tries to rez him but hunters arent to great at that especially when smashed. http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b201/usagimidori/Picture042resized.jpg Well I hope you enjoyed our fun as much as we did Hope to see some more of the New Years fun posted!
  20. Lol Dinias she was hoping you wouldnt notice. She said it was to pretty for you anyway and she Youre going to come home and half your clothes are going to be missing...atleast you know where to find them.
  21. Omg Captin Mo FTMFW!
  22. Ok so...be nice be sociable and make friends got it. So how long do we have to be friends before i get to move from probation to member status. Its been a month am i going to have to start dating someone to get in Just wondering
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