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Everything posted by nierandesa

  1. not that big of a change then what it normally was, just now you are being forced to start early on mc rather then start the day that you would like. Easier to programm for blizzard is what it comes down to , and less lag i guess )
  2. im into av now that i am only 5000 to exalted, but most groups when we win do stick together till we lose in ab. That is what i found, a scatter view leave, if you wait to long to enter the ab though as a group, then all will leave .
  3. nierandesa


    they wouldnt sue him but jsut ban the account and someone will be out 820 dollars.
  4. one heart of fire is worth more then 3 elemental fires
  5. why do it give me the blizzard downloader when i click to see the expansion trailer?
  6. nierandesa


    you sick sick man
  7. go for pop, aka prince of porn j/k. I bet blizz will change it to that. k on a more serious note , go for "the one" . I would think you should make a little fat dwarf and call it "chubs" that be funny . But remember think funny, blizz never change funny names.
  8. i am not on the members list yet booooo.
  9. gj.
  10. me new realitively nierandesa weee
  11. well i am warlock but unfortunately only get every third weekend off (
  12. spadge is nice, shouldnt have him on the list
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