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Everything posted by juniorx2

  1. cool, congrats
  2. juniorx2

    Sunday Off

    sunday at 2:00pm server time plz =)
  3. large file but it shows how to kill all the zg southern bosses: http://www.warcraftmovies.com/movieview.php?id=6983
  4. gj =)
  5. thnx. funny thing was, me, you and stang were talking about sc shoulders this morning and i said i never seen them drop. 2 hours later i get them
  6. thnx
  7. omg omg. only 3 more pieces till i complete my set. need cap,chest and gloves
  8. yeah ab is by far the best bg so far. I banked 14000 honour points for just a few days of playing. focusing now on getting my shadowcraft armour then ab all day =)
  9. ty
  10. juniorx needs some lovin in the members forum
  11. Fact or fiction
  12. yeah, i told him that i would trade the diamond for the boots or he could have them for 60g. He wouldnt respond so i kept the boots.
  13. yeah, he offered 10g, but i guess it was the principle of it. Plus 10 minutes after the raid ended, he had the pristine black diamond on the ah(which we all knew from the beginning would happen)
  14. Today i went into a scarlet strat group(really need my sc shoulders). There was 2 members of descendants there, one being the leader of the group. About halfway through, a pristine black diamond drops. One of the descendants members was a pally and used his rtu to take the diamond for his epic mount quest. At the very end of the run, lightforge boots drop. The pally could not roll cause he already used his rtu but the leader(warrior) decides to roll saying he could use it. The leader wins but does not loot the boots. So i stay behind. everyone in the group tps to IF but stays in the group and keeps asking the leader to pickup the boots. It seems the leader was waiting for us all to leave then he would give the pally the boots. Finally they say "RTS". the two decendents members roll 20,30. I roll 98. The question is, would you give it to the pally or just loot it?
  15. juniorx2

    ZG Items

    ty so much for postng this. it use to be on the wow forums but they removed it. i thought it was gone forever
  16. juniorx2

    Patch 1.7

    downloaded it just then. Wont get to play till tomorrow. stupid work
  17. what mod you using to get the time and stuff at the very top?
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