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Everything posted by juniorx2

  1. it was the april fools joke from last year.
  2. juniorx2


    http://cancelwow.ytmnd.com/ So dont even bother trying
  3. Is that like telling someone, 'Stop being a dumbass, smartass'? yes your a brilliant stupid one joe (j/k) this guild blows awesomeness
  4. i cant view it for some reason. What codex you use?
  5. the story is fake thou. Gerbals up rectums is a myth so far......
  6. all it would take is one blizzard programmer out for a cheap buck. The company, as a whole, may not be involved, but individuals out for a quick buck might try.
  7. woot congrats. now to set him to farm status
  8. /wave
  9. The new trend in the forums is complaining over this web blog: http://blog.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseacti...1d-f8344370e421 In particular, the section describing a possible relatio ship with blizzard over loot drops. Could just be someone trying to get a few views for their website, still its an interesting read.
  10. yeah i thought it was a great idea last year and maybe we could do it again.
  11. grats!
  12. is there anyone else but me feel purple dragons is the most noobiest guild we have for horde on our servers. All they do is kill lowbie. They killed me the other day in darkshire. So iget on my main and kill him. But he keeps coming back targeting lowbie chars.
  13. wtf, stop with the rogue jokes and laughing at us...... Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
  14. 402 MB file. I say they'll get pwned fiarly quickly
  15. watching wow videos > getting fired
  16. i will quote a ingame character who used the ace to determine who could join his scholo grp I know alot of rogues go elemental deck, but i kindof like the idea of being able to rez without running from the nearest gy.If you help farming the portals, ill join ya. Mainly going for my cap, you can have the ace if it drops
  17. Nooooooooooooooooooo! !@#$. It was an awesome box thou.
  18. juniorx2


    Its very important kids that you read his toa before placing bids(especially if your blizzard) Yeah, im sure this will hold up in court if they did want to sue him.
  19. yeah i seen that video yesterday. Looks awesome but alot of people think its done with stop animation and a miniture house. Either way its cool. I watched it twice yesterday and then when you posted it watched it again
  20. http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.a...p=1#post5897985 Just thought i post it incase you never read the wow forums. Basically onyxia will now be every 5 days, MC will reset every Tuesday even if you started it monday.
  21. yeah it was a tough match. In the beginning it appeared as if we were going to lose, then we came back and pushed FW. About hour was spent inside destroying FW because of the terrain imbalance in FW. We all had fun which was the main thing and hopfully can do it again in the future. My eyes were burnt out thou
  22. juniorx2


    Nothing to apologize about. Also there was quite a few missing. Oh and for those not able to make last weekend raids, our new loot rules state only juniorx can roll on all epics.
  23. i thought i was a shaman once...... In RL, their not overpowered
  24. I definitly understand where your coming from. I only get every 3rd weekend to play onyxia and MC. This week however i saw the post but all rogue spots were filled. However I noticed that most of the rogues in the grp have yet to go to MC/Onyxia so i accepted it(Never know, sometimes people drop out so i can probably take their place) I stil lagree that all recruiting be halted for now since we do have over flows for all classes.
  25. congrats! wish i could of stayed
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