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Everything posted by loofa

  1. Its free for us non-drinkers? sweet!
  2. water please? i'll be there for the tour. I guess i'll just stand in the back and say i'm pregnant so they don't offer me any.
  3. swaloads doesn't sound creepy, and his flirting with stang didn't seem over the top, this thread didn't deliver like i was promised. very disappointing. and no offense to those guys who called dibs at staying at FPHQ, I love you and all, but it'd be uber to host some of the cool bean people that haven't stayed at our place yet, if we could swing that I think it'd make their first stay more memorable and your third and fourth stays not as uber but still fun.
  4. why don't we run a temp IT service with all these IT guys we have? anyone not very savvy can be trained by the others and do administrative/sales work. Temp IT makes a ton of money for the same amount of work as a normal IT guy (which isn't a lot of work really).
  5. loofa

    Free Rice

  6. loofa

    Free Rice

    thank you wow, ursine = bear-like
  7. hollow victory ftw, it still crushes the competition. no one will care if the numbers meant nothing
  8. i should totally hax my way to number one
  9. lol, you know who you are talking to? now . . .
  10. one time i made like 200 posts and deleted them so i should really be 7 or 8 in line
  11. good thing i keep making these posts, garnok is catching up.
  12. loofa

    Poll: Cake vs. Pie

    omg pie is so much more versatile. pie ftmfw!
  13. loofa

    Poll: Cake vs. Pie

    all inclusive means pie because i get to count pot pies and dessert pies and yeah. pies are more versatile.
  14. loofa


    interesting. i'm almost his type but i need someone more versatile
  15. old news, april fools ftw!
  16. loofa


    i can't wait to get home and see it. =D
  17. loofa

    Coffee vs. Tea

    thanks for waking up early and taking me to the airport. you should tell donna to give back the coffee. make her think she's the thief now, play the hypocrite card on her.
  18. i want to see you guys using this in the trade channel.
  19. not too big though . . . yikes
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