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Everything posted by loofa

  1. I want my cherie back /cry at least i have the guys . . . guys?. . . guys?. . .
  2. loofa


    /e pats Skee on back. "It'll be okay."
  3. can we start doing JoL with JoW on Onyxia in stage 2? a lot of us ranged get hit by her hard during that stage we could save some mana by doing this also
  4. hasn't blizzard and its employees made you feel bad enough about your class?
  5. loofa


    dirt dirty priests /shakehead
  6. loofa


    /target 56hunter /jealous /w 56hunter Congrats! /target Stangmeister /w Stangmeister Congrats buddy! Love ya tons!
  7. Sound is highly needed for this video I hope you can watch it with sound. The last part is great. =D
  8. clicking the link with stream the media, but it's SSSSLLLLOOOWW to start. Right clicking and choosing to "Save As" will allow people to save the file to their drive then view it. Thanks tons for hosting this =)
  9. Know any free sites that can host a 5.76 MB video of Stangmeister and Loofa for all of you to see. Its funny so HELP!
  10. would you call a girlfriend like that a loot whore? hmm . . .
  11. Congrats on the Marriage!
  12. Actually 666 is the translation in the Catholic Bible, I've seen versions where it is 616 and also 626, but most people in the world use the Catholic version as a reference for that verse, so most people consider 666 to be the "number of that man" not exactly known to be the devil but many believe it to be. I think in time we will come to find out, more research needs to be done or more revelation whichever comes first. Yeah go go Bible FTW
  13. loofa


    I was thinking Jeopardy when i saw you Singing the song you know "duh duh duh duh duh duh duh, duh, duh duh duh duh duh"
  14. so yeah i did all that color picking stuff right after i posted the color mix is 6, 6, 6 just so you all know someone has a sense of humor it looks like.
  15. So yeah I just fixed my Sig to make it have a black background. The forum is off a little its not true black. I can see the outline of my pic. Unless its the site hosting my pic than maybe the color interpretation is off. If the forum really isn't black what color is it? Hmm . . .
  16. Dreamscar was in Runehammer Clan not sure if she is still there and yes she is a bitch. Have you heard her on vent OMG *pulls gun to head* if I ever run accross her in RL I swear I'll pull the trigger
  17. he did RTU the diamond thus loot rules say he can't RTU another item unless its part of his set, but seriously the diamond should have been RTS in the first place unless its a guildie you know is going to use it.
  18. I made my own, it takes an hour or two if you have a little bit of skill with the Marquee tool and a little saying is nice with a splash of color in the background
  19. smiling isn't for pictures makes my face look too long and horse like so i grin or look mean lol btw gynis is cute no bag over head needed
  20. http://images5.theimagehosting.com/Kevan5.jpg Me lookiing angry stang likes this one /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ http://images5.theimagehosting.com/Kevan2.jpg And here is the one he doesn't like so much go figure lol /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\
  21. Okay I wanted to contribute and waste everyones time. So here is a fun useless story to read. And a link where I got it, so I don't have to worry about plagerism. http://home.nycap.rr.com/useless/pudding/index.html The Pudding Guy What would you do with over 12,000 cups of pudding? Most people have a junk drawer, but I'm proud to say that I have a junk closet. The only time it's ever cleaned out is when I move. Since that doesn't happen too often, you can imagine the mess in there. This closet just happens to be the place where I store all of those things that I have purchased, but never found a use for. These were deals that just seemed to good to be true when I first came across them. A Davis, California civil engineer named David Phillips found himself in a similar boat in May of 1999. While cruising the aisles of his local supermarket one day, a promotion for Healthy Choice foods caught his eye. The deal was quite simple: For every ten Universal Price Codes that were sent in to the company, the customer would receive 500 frequent flyer miles. And, if the UPC codes were mailed out by May 31, the value of the labels would be doubled. Phillips did some quick math in his head and was sure that he had stumbled across a deal that was too hard to resist. He had been considering taking his family to Europe that summer, so why not eat their way there? Clearly, the cheaper he could get the Healthy Choice products, the lower the cost of the family's vacation. His first discovery was cans of Healthy Choice soup at about ninety cents each. He loaded his cart with the cans and proceeded to the checkout. His next step was to drive over to the local Grocery Store Outlet, a chain of warehouse-style supermarkets that specialize in overstock and discontinued merchandise. The store was selling Healthy Choice chocolate pudding at twenty-five cents apiece. And, to top that off, each container had its own UPC code. He quickly purchased the store's entire inventory. Having hit the mother lode, David then continued on to the remaining ten Grocery Store Outlet stores in his area. When they all ran out of pudding, David requested that the store manager bring in an additional sixty cases. His final take was 12,150 containers of pudding. Do a little bit of math and you will quickly realize that he was eligible for 1,215,000 frequent flyer miles! Now, can you imagine what your neighbors would think if you carried over 12,000 containers of pudding into your home. First, they would probably conclude that you were either crazy or perverted. Then they would think up all kinds of strange uses for the pudding. Could they be using it for pudding wrestling? Pudding baths? Could they actually be eating it? David's answer was perfect: They were stocking up for Y2K. But, there was one hitch. The May 31st deadline was quickly approaching. His family could not peel the labels and fill out the required reimbursement forms fast enough. What to do? What to do? David had the perfect answer. He donated the remaining pudding to local food banks and the Salvation Army. In exchange, their volunteers would peel off all of the UPC codes and give them back to him. Once all of the coupons were ready to go, they were mailed off to Healthy Choice. David wasn't sure that the company would honor the deal, and when they didn't send him the airline miles in a reasonable amount of time, he began to get nervous. He called the company and they claimed that they had never received the package. Luckily, David had sent the package by registered mail and had photographs to prove his purchases. Shortly thereafter, the company mailed him his certificates. In the end, David and his family collected 1, 253,000 miles from his puddings and soups. He split 216,000 of the miles among Delta, United, and Northwest airlines. The remaining 1,037,000 miles were posted to his American Airlines account. And since he topped the million mile mark, he automatically became a lifelong member of American Airlines AAdvantage Gold club. David now has lifetime access to a priority reservation number, priority boarding, and additional perks. Healthy Choice's cost for David's travel bonanza is estimated to be around two cents per mile or a little over $25,000. David's cost, however, was only $3,140. I guess that sometimes deals that sound too good to be true can actually be true! Useless? Useful? I’ll leave that for you to decide.
  22. loofa


    so yeah you guys should make your own sig, it just takes a bit to do, especially if you are trimming the bone bow OMFG, Still looks wierd from this angle on my character, oh well
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