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Everything posted by loofa

  1. I was running bibmod before and the same thing happened when it was turned off. so i downloaded the new version which isn't working yet and the bags are back to normal but the action bars are all missing.
  2. grats kibai i hope you got your staves lvl'd up sheesh -1 proficiency lol
  3. thats what happens when you work with body fluids, you get the shit on you. =/
  4. i just wasted 2 hours of my life grrr
  5. all i see are little red x's you'll have to show me them sometime =/
  6. thanks for the nice pics of valdez and you =D very nice
  7. I got the Merchant as well like Joesf =D
  8. don't human racial abilities suck as well? lol good stuff
  9. Pad Thai with chicken. Hot and sour soup. Crab Stuffed Wontons. And a soda. Thats all I got.
  10. haha these are pictures kopi not the real talking, walking me, so =p
  11. too bad the weapon graphic didn't come with the screenie =( would make it seem more real. i hope it is gratz0rs to whichever FP gets a chance at it.
  12. great pics except me doing the wierd face =D very fun dinner
  13. loofa


    lol, i said the same thing as your sister. no, miz, you can't have me, it just won't work.
  14. loofa


    no hykos i fixed it see =p
  15. This is me in my various picture taking poses not good at it? you be the judge, jury and . . . not the executioner I want my head to stay on thank you very much. Enjoy. http://img526.imageshack.us/img526/7412/kevan26go.jpg http://img526.imageshack.us/img526/5219/kevan6dy.jpg http://img526.imageshack.us/img526/8356/kevan62fb.jpg http://img501.imageshack.us/img501/7852/kevanandgale3gp.jpg http://img501.imageshack.us/img501/4347/kevan87hx.jpg
  16. i own the "OMG We're Famous Productions" name; notice the capitalization of the first letters, you (the members of FP) can use that if you so desire, but leave the their "OMG we're famous productions" name to use as they will. =P WTFPWNED PS LOL nice post =D
  17. i wanna see the movie now. =( just a quick tip, i can't read the credits posted over the production logo.
  18. as of now if you go to the FPP point site you can sort the loot by date to see what dropped and in what instance and who got it =D i'm not sure if the dusted items are posted there though. i just know hykos does an awesome job of posting that stuff there =D
  19. loofa


    yet another example of my work life and my game "forumcraft" pwning all my time. and, oh yeah, really bad luck with the demon thing i told you about all that, really really bad luck. i just laugh about it and go on, maybe the quest will be nerfed or buffed and i can be less leet or more uber leet if it happens. the quest will get done just not as fast as you hardcore players, i'm way casual as of late. my time is mostly forums, raid, work, eat, and sleep. . .with boy hunting in between all that. still 1 of 4 on the demons
  20. loofa


  21. i don't get sound from the page /shrug i guess i miss out
  22. lots and lots of Fire protection pots. and tell everyone to go get FR gear and help them out with the guild bank too. Warriors and rogues first =D thanks for all the compliments for the guild. its good to hear you are doing so well on Ursin too =D hope to hear about your future exploits as well keep in touch loofa
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