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Everything posted by Reinhard
I feel your pain. I can't get out of work unless I'm on my death bed even then I have to get a chit saying I am sick.
They keep me warm! That is my story and I'm sticking to it
LOL home sweet home
It was alot of fun being there for it. Hope we can go clear it again. Warriors and Hunters were shut up as far as books go. Posative side it was a learning experence.
I give up
can't figure out how to post a picture
That didn't work
I will not be coming.
Waiting......Remmeber I live down there so just tell me from 19. Map quest is retarded
PM some directions Ecthelion
You're too young Miz =P
Shoop I remember when I was talking to you before I was invited and not knowing it was you. I have always thought very highly of you, and it was a pleasure when I finally was able to meet you. I'm not sure what your vision for FP was, I have an idea but it has grown into a guild that has the respect of this server. People want to be apart of us, in all my days of playing on-line games this is by far the finest guild. Sure it has some folks that disagree on issues. We have grown into a force, and if one thing has stayed the same since I have been here its how friendly people are. You may have experenced something different at times, I'm sure most of us have. People in this care, and I would like to think you had alot to do w/ that attitude. I hope to see you on, and I sincerely hope you rejoin us. I'll miss seeing you on game. Give me a whisper when you do log on maybe we can go kill some horde. Reinhard
Well done! So proud...I'm getting misty Stang you went...sniff...ganking ....BAWL!!
I remember you. I know I've killed you a few times straight up in AB. I'm sure you got lucky killing me....maybe
I'll bring what I did last time Etch, just more of it this time.
I'm practicly full Mark spec w/ a few in survival and beast. My thoughts were in most raids pets are not used so why train in them also for PVP I do very well. However while lvl'ing up I would recommend beast to keep your pet strong so less downtime then play w/' the spec's to see what best suits you.
Ok I had to endure one of Bently's long posts to get caught up. So one of you is a hunter, Lyrin and a fed.... WELCOME! want a cold drink, chips, any kind of refreashment? Make sure to visit the Hunter forum once access is granted. Rein
I got 70 points from 60000 honor last night, it was great I hope we hit hard again soon like that
At first I thought it was just a post asking how long we take on clears as just being curious, which is fine. Then the smell of now your doing great I want to bless you w/ my presence...hmm no thank you. Since I was invited into FP I have seen alot of changes, some I don't agree with but one thing stays constant...team effort putting in the time to figure out how we can accomplish a goal. Alot of people have put in countless hours in raids that amounted to nothing tring new ways/idea on how to beat an encounter. We have folks that put up real money so we can have a vent server, folks buy things off AH for fire pots I could go on and on. We have the best grp of officers I believe, that take time out of their day to put forth a strat that will work. Then we have the grunts like me that follow there leadership and found it to be right on track go in follow orders and keep going untill a strat is found that works. So w/ all these good people doing these things and most of the time it goes w/out praise. I really didn't read your posts word for word I really don't have time for BS, I did however read my guildies wrote and agree w/ them 100%. We as a team have accomplished great win's and will continue too, and if our way of doing it or time frame isn't what you like well let me be the first to say T.F.B. there is the door ----> I'm proud of what we have done, and to be a member. We huh....I've been in the guild for 7 month'ish and I have NO IDEA who you are. I had to log on just now to look to see if you were in the guild to begin with. But this we stuff is comedy since I have never seen you on a raid...hell have you earned any FPP? As far as going faster. Well I used to combo pull or take turns pulling MC, I do pull some from time to time. But Garnok is much faster than I am, so why slow the guild down w/ a slower puller (myself) when we can get there faster. That is one thing that has been done...oh if you would have been there you have seen that and the countless other ideas and things that have been done by the members to speed it up. I'm not feeding you anything else I guess you will have to pull your wieght and find out.
Must avoid critical swamp ass
The Hunter Mafia is displeased w/ the amount of squishy druid stuff that dropped. A message will be sent to Rag....that is a nice weapon you have there...I hate to see something bad happen to it.
Nice pic's where is that zone?
I got White Knight Edit by Gryph: Here ya go! Your distinct personality, The White Knight, might be found in most of the thriving kingdoms of the time. Don Quixote was a White Knight as was Joan of Arc, the Lone Ranger and Crusader Rabbit. As a White Knight you expect nothing in return for your good deeds. You are one of the true "Givers" of the world. You are the anonymous philanthropist who shares your wealth, your time and your life with others. To give, is its own reward and as a White Knight you seek no other. On the positive side you are merciful, sympathetic, helpful, giving and heroic. On the negative side you may be impulsively decisive, sentimental and misdirected. Interestingly, your preference is just as applicable in today's corporate kingdoms. http://www.cmi-lmi.com/images/wknight.gif
what quest is this to get into old IF? I would like to go in and take a peek