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Everything posted by Marbo
awww im old news
http://wow.boom.net/ggfarmer/talents.html http://wow.boom.net/ggfarmer/
Last year back in UCA we had a big gift exchange about 3 days before christmas, although it wasnt really orginized, it sure was fun. i was wondering if FP should have one. (btw thx for all the bombs and booze last year, and the spurs from turby )
whats the address to the current website, since my comp got wiped i lost it.
well, finally got the ram upgrade. I also had to get a comp wipe due to spyware, and guess my luck? One of the big spyware programs that the guy noticed on it was the WoW one. God i hope when he said "Loaded with spyware" he didnt mean "god i hope he dosnt find out i wiped his comp for nothing."
what does IBTL mean?
sooooo my bear is not getting an ability till 2.0? GG blizz, GG indeed.
on my cousins' comp, so far its great, hes got tickets to see episode 9 of Pure pwnage at the theatre and hes getting me autographs. also guy was screaming at us in the subway that he was the massiah. gotta love it
i think ill just stick with my iranview.
what photoshop lets you do all the things to images i see on forums, and is it free?
http://img388.imageshack.us/img388/2643/wowscrnshot1111052123589vl.jpg ya, pretty awsome, i could add more if you like = P
your right forevergirl
heh its short but you'll love it http://www.zippyvideos.com/490247027187906...6/wh40k_leeroy/ i think you can right click save if you wanna see it in a bigger format.
and always shall be
He killed my mother and ate my baby.
sorry this is a half test, and other half of the post is to say i still cant see the member forum
me too please? Marbo level 60 hunter, joined up with the enlighten merger
Football season has geared up, and well we are practicing every day now except saturday, and if i had signed up for other things and i couldnt make just saying sorry now, and i wont be on as much(but ill still get on) until the season ends, but hey, you've all had 300% more then your yearly recomended Marbo. BTW today we lost against OHS, yours truly made an interception, they never passed to that side again
anyway here is the one i made for purification everyone really liked it http://rapidshare.de/files/4483392/Purific...cation.wmv.html should i make one for FP? a couple people said ya and i can use Hell March 2.