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Everything posted by Marbo
exactly. Anyway, i guess you could say that he was very ancient, or indeed, those who created the game forgot. I can imagine the kids at school making fun of poor little aldaris "HaHa you manipulate air through a passage in your throat to make sounds, what a freak!"
well.... i was till all you people started showing up.
actually, how bout' a sticky proclaiming me as lord of the lore forums. (btw siege your a big SC guy, what do you think about this.) [fade:cf248414a7]dammit, i forgot that teal meant forum mod, i thought it was red...[/fade:cf248414a7]
you just got that now lol n00bs. Anyway, no one else notice aldaris has a mouth, or maybe know why? (BTW the lore forum is mine, i completely owned loufas in RL, not even the forum mods can take me on in my own domain, they do not even read this place BUHAHAHAHA )
you should remember him, if not brush up on your SC, now maybe its just me, but look at his face, he has what appears to be a mouth. big deal? wait! yes it is, protoss dont have mouths, they communicate telepathiclly. can someone clairify or add to this?
i cant drink yet, but i know for a fact i will be blowing stuff up!! YAY CANADA!
yes pick me! honor means nothing to me, im trying to get a lot of DKs too
when i meant they got nerfed down, is that i believe blizzard has said a footman from WC3 = one of those 60 guards you see. grunts were twice as good as footman in WC3, so what happened to all the grunts in wow, they should be at least 65 or so right? the grunts got nerfed (when i say grunts i mean the 60 guards that spawn when you attack a city called *horde grunt*) so wc1&2 footman = grunts, wc3 footman <grunts, WoW level 60 horde npc guards (grunts) = level 60 alliance npc guards (footman) (cant be that much of a difference)
next time we are both on vent listen closely, (this came up in SFK) do me and stormhelm sound alike?
well i finally beat it, i used Guardians with devourers, and some ultralisks, on most of the bases.
yep, sadly, althought im pretty sure you already know, juniorx and turbo dont arent.
speak for yourself. go on stric.
whoa, so if i asked you dont you think that eldar sheuriken catapults should at least have 18 inch range, or give guardians a BS of 4, would you understand what im talking about Name: Alex, "Carleton" Carleton Loc: Fredericton, N.B Age: 15. just gimme a car already! Occupation: lol Activities: Gamer, including console, i also like RTS. (/love Starcraft 64!) I also play Hockey, Lacrosse, Football (JV), and soccer. I also play the piano at about a 6th grade level (out of 10 ) WoW story: My World of warcraft journey started with a click on an add while playing Wc3, and i got into the stress test. While there i met a man by the name of Exist, who invited me into UCA. There i met most of the Enlighten guys we have in FP today. As my guild in WC3 fell apart, i started hanging around with the UCA guys some more, and when the open beta came out, i can safely say i was recognized for my...... special qualities. Everything was going fine in retail until my comp started hardlocking after one patch any time i ran wow, i had a month away from it, before i discoverd when i turned it off fullscreen mode (but maximized mind you) no more crashes. As i learned from the forums, UCA had disbanded, and i joined up with purification, there i started exploring in game movie making (sub-par, but i had a blast making them ) purification went kapoof, and i came to enlighten, for about an hour then FP.
vanin, this is general forum
no starcraft fans?
Top thing women wont understand. Marbo Btw with that eggshell thing, i was watching a movie and a lady had a fit because buddy painted her house white and not eggshell, and the guy in the movie was saying " eggshells are white" which is exactly what i said.
no. i'd abstain, leaving the world leaderless, mass panic and widespread confusion. btw for candidate C, he wasnt married for that long....
argh, this level is getting me really angry, i cant seem to muster enough of a force to kill even one enemy base, without getting owned on defence, and i always run out of resources ( even after making the 2nd base) any tips?
that would easily be correct. BTW The goliath, was stolen by the confeds from the Kel-morian combine, so going along with what you said, how did the UED get their hands on them.
If i am correct, it took the original peeps from earth ( the Terrans) 28 years to get to those planets after being launched into space in those giant ships. Now the UED had been monitoring them, and of course, showed up in Brood War. How long did it take for the confederates to take complete control, because, how could all the UED show up in time if it takes that long to get to that part of space, a lot of the characters would have died of old age. Am i missing something here? By the way, I proclaim myself lord of the lore forums.
"You better get your Marbo out." "Marbo. The Power on your side." "With a name like Marbo, it has to be good." "Marbo, i want it all." "Passion for Marbo." "Dont play with fire, play with Marbo." "I fall for Marbo." "I lost weight with Marbo" "Marbo, i want it all." "I quit smoking with Marbo." "Everything is simple with Marbo." (kill, maim, destroy, $$$$$ ) And! just for Strycnine "STFU button, it's a kind of magic."
yep, sorry FP, i had a nice run, but im a SC fanboy! WoS FTW!!
hehehe, what exactly happened last night (well this morning ) to your comp? personally i found it funny to watch you tank behind a wall. <3
so grunts got nerfed down to a level 60 character too, people at blizz must love messing with lore, messes with their customers!