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Everything posted by Marbo

  1. Good memories. Good ole' orange and black.
  2. Gut?
  3. Marbo

    Fun Map Game

    Hello, unfortunatly, I just found my way back to you guys from the old site. Why not start out with at least what I find a fun (and educational) game. http://www.addictinggames.com/europemap.html My best is 97.15 something in 115 seconds.
  4. Ah just checking up and saying hello. I haven't browsed around lately, exams and all, but might as well say a hello now. Hmm, lets not make this thread completely useless. What have I done recently worth merit on the webbernets? Well, at school we were given laptops to fill out an online survey, at one point one of the questions asked us to write what we like about our school. Me, being a dick, and bored, went on the net, searched up the lyrics for "We didn't start the fire." And posted it down. The whole song (minus chorus.) Ya, im a loser. (wish I could find the screenie I hosted.) FPFTMFW!
  5. I was walking from period 4 English to period 5 BBT (tech class), and was talking to friend of mine. Anyway, we reach the turn off where she goes to her musical vocal class, and I go to tech, and instead of saying, "goodbye" "see you later", or heck even "auf wiedeschen" I said "Good Luck, Have fun."
  6. Well, my lore boards are getting dusty so might as well throw this one up. People always, (thinking they are witty) answer the question "if i could go back in time and do one thing" with "i would have stopped this conversation" Well, if they did that, then the time machine they built wouldnt have existed, because they would have had no need to come back. If the machine didnt exist, then they could come back and avoid the conversation, and we have ourselves in a time loop!! Ya, im bored, any thoughts on how to liven up my lore forums?
  7. Never heard of him before, and wiki enlightened me. I learned something today, thanks Hykos!
  8. [Marbo] What do you mean marbo its me stormhelm that was me talking can't you tell us apart? [/Marbo] [stormhelm] Guys its clear who's who, you can't tell our voices apart? Marbo, stop pretending to be me! [/stormhelm] [Marbo] Fine, by the way, 5k is a lot when you dont work! [/Marbo] [stormhelm] That's Marbo, can't you tell [/stormhelm] (little bit of UCA 5 man alt raid humor for ya!) I think I got the hang of this.
  9. One problem, I was at a university lecture on the war in Afghanistan, and I suddenly realized there were no other Grade 10 students there.
  10. I turned down the offer to go to australia in '08, too much work envolved, I hate warm weather, the whole being upside down thing. Now I wonder what my life could of been like if I met esteban, and i sigh in relief!
  11. just checked up on this thread. Oh, and i've been waiting ever since i took them.
  12. Ok contact info... hmmm... well.. Im not really on any sort of instant messanger, i have an email and uhh, yeah, im very anti-social I guess. If anyone is interested, I can give you my in game names of other games I play.
  13. Well, to make a long story short (though it has probably been obvious by now) I am pretty much finished with World of Warcraft. I have sold the account to a close RL friend, so you might see marbo on, but that is most likely not me. The time I spent with Forgotten Prophets has been memorable and fun, and I will remember all of you. (oh, and ill do my best to post stuff here too!)
  14. Here's a really old one from stress test, at first I took it jokingly, with all the nooooooooes! and ahh! But soon after I got annoyed and was forced to alt-f4, and work my way back during the lag of coming back on, it was strange. http://img472.imageshack.us/img472/9163/endoftheworldap8.png (it happened when I tried to swim a raid to oggrimmar, after that, I just took them to BB, and started a very fun war, the guards didnt work back then) Oh and here is the one of the greatest shots in any game ever by me http://img355.imageshack.us/img355/3011/armyops2006081712244114ue3.png Notice if you zoom in there is a little black spot, thats an enemy, he was shooting at me, http://img355.imageshack.us/img355/4760/armyops2006081712244215zb1.png Not for long.
  15. For some reason that music makes me feel nostalgic... strange.
  16. well honestly, i didnt think it was that good, it was ok. but then again, unless the movie is really well done, i normally spend more time debating plot holes then talking about the good stuff in it. ya, im that kind of guy.
  17. Marbo

    Hunter Mafia

    The lore forums arent so lonely anymore. Userpers all of you!!! There will be no regicide today! Go on reinhard.
  18. Marbo

    Next Generation UI

    RTSer's dream interface!
  19. Marbo

    4 Years UCA

    jeez i forget how my levels went. But, i do remember pippen, and i remember the first time i saw the name Stonehelm, i reached for the Return of The King (appendix in the back). woah wait! i remember giving exist that tux in the blasted lands!!
  20. Marbo


    lol stormhelm, you will be happy to know im leaving soon too! . . . . . . . . . . . . . for a family wedding
  21. Marbo


    he's done this once before, but just incase. esteban, GL and HF
  22. ill give them that, but if you check old maps of azeroth, compared to now, some cities have completely changed locations. I cant link examples atm, but i will soon.
  23. Has anyone in blizzard explained why the map of Azeroth changed just about every warcraft game, mainly, this one.
  24. First, looked like fun, now, did anyone wear the bucket on their head and run around? (jeez, pretty pathetic first reply)
  25. Marbo

    PTR Patch Notes

    they nerfed sapper charges
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