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Everything posted by Stricnyne

  1. illhoof also added
  2. IGOR I MISSES YOU!!!!! >.<
  3. /bump added shade of aran fight... will have illhoof up tomorrow morning
  4. >.> don't read that other thread i just posted
  5. <3 BW!!! and thanks
  6. http://img253.imageshack.us/img253/6131/wow2007041923422020ll5.jpg told you not to look >.<
  7. now lays tits down in front of our team... Great job guys... I honestly don't know why we have had such problems w/ this assclown... but we went in and gave him the good ole donkey punch and collected our well deserved prof. plumbs. lol.. ohh yeah.. illhoof is a push over too.. but that was cake compared to this jerk http://img406.imageshack.us/img406/7568/wow2007041920095635qw6.jpg love you guys... keep doin' what ur doin' and I'll do the same <3
  8. yeah, those guys are hardcore dorks..... i love it
  9. my favorite thing about droods, is that you all look the same.. could have 300 different builds and all different gear, but you all look the same. that is why it's so easy to hate you all... /diane
  10. Lyssa is a HAWT CHICK IRL.. make sure to send HER tells in game
  11. lol... he just pissed orange soda... lawl
  12. Mages are going to be the sexiest... like usual.. droods will look like birds and LoL at hunters.. You get the shit head award again.... ohhh lol.. blizz hates hunters as much as i do
  13. ummmmmmmmmmmmm that is awesome... other than the ice block debuff.. GG Blizzard!?!?! (can't belive i'm saying that)
  14. Stricnyne

    Easter Weekend

    omg /tower 4 sho!
  15. Here you go!!!! Magtheridon High King Maulgar Gruul
  16. Stricnyne

    Easter Weekend

    i have some pics on my phone of the party and some of 2 certain droods dancin' together @ the concert... I'll leave them where they are at though...
  17. Stricnyne

    Easter Weekend

  18. F*(% CANADA!
  19. I know the secret words... "Erik, quit being a P%Y and slam that Vodka/Bull"
  20. Stricnyne

    Easter Weekend

    QFT... I some how caught a cold and have not gottan a good night of sleep since b4 the trip... it was "one nutty" time... lololol @ my pun /balls <3 you all and thanks again for the hospitality!!!
  21. Stricnyne

    Happy Easter!

  22. Can't say anything more than what has been said already. You guys are the best, wether it be in skill or class, we are the best.
  23. if i tried to do a line of my dad... he would kill me.. that shit isn't cool... funny, but not cool
  24. Added Oz, should have a Shade of Aran video before the reset.. stay tuned!
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