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Everything posted by Stricnyne

  1. totally forgot to call shotgun on MICHAEL BAILEY'S floor.... soo... shotgun... on michael bailey's floor
  2. orly? %_D
  3. lol... spank bank... and i will give you 300g to not help my spank bank.... I'd rather you keep your dignity
  4. if you want me to say what I'm really thinking I have no problem with it.. but I honestly don't feel like being responsible for your suicide..
  5. I'm am quitting wow for sure.. with 2 more coming out... all free time will be devoted to 5 star experts, cuz if I don't have bragging rights.. what good am i?
  6. i agree.. bob is gay
  7. go die
  8. Shuurrrduuurrrduuurr.... just drive to evansville and drive down with me.. I'm going for sure.. Don't know about ghosty yet, but I can't decide if it's goign to be the weekend of the 6th or the 13th... I guess that will be based on the majority of everyone else...
  9. Klaudia and Miro are the only 2 people standing.... Miro because he's to busy playing with his dragon, and Klaudia... for.. /sigh.. nobody really knows...
  10. lol warning more of me messing w/ you key
  11. quit making horrible posts.... or just any post at that..
  12. that ring is balls... i totally want it
  13. I F#&%ING HATE CANADA!!!
  14. ... just rediculas
  15. lawl... slow sucks, but it seems that the majority of the mages are spec'd similir to myself or kobah... I am about to be enforcing spec's... lawlawlawl
  16. hrmmm... i do feel like playing all the time tho... either charater is fine w/ me.... its a tool.. we need mages more than tanks right now.. :S
  17. Lyssa is a hawt chick IRL... he sent me pics of..... ummmm.. SHE... sent me pics.. oh boy tanking is aweesome... i don't know what you are talking about
  18. weird, now that you mention it..i think i have an extra 300g laying aroud.. >.>
  19. hahah, thats awesome dood.. I know why my phone was beeping @ 1am now...
  21. Booya.... video will be up this afternoon. http://img227.imageshack.us/img227/3632/wow2007042522073593oa5.jpg
  22. Fixed
  23. this is the best thing on the internet right now... WHO PUT DAT DERE!!!
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