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Everything posted by Sumic

  1. http://www.foundationguild.org/forum/forum...sts.asp?TID=312 HARR HARR HARR
  2. Hunter Tanks Ony!!! Thats the good suace http://www.everlasted.com/?p=movies
  3. OMG Haters I removed my sig....
  4. I hope you like it!!!
  5. Oh who do I get its the 20th Im ready give me give me give me
  6. Like it Branham gets some new shit fast
  7. Hey post your Fav local bands website lets so what your city got.... Here is mine... http://www.myspace.com/faktiondallas I went to highschool with these meatheads.. I dated one of there sisters she was a bit of a toon but thats another story...
  8. sweet I will do it count me in =) Porno Shop here I come!!!
  9. Sumic


    Can someone upgrade my membership for the forums so I can read the juciy stuff???
  10. Is Kenny a Preacher????
  11. Ok ladies this may be to much for you but here is SUMIC (Brandon) enjoy in private... http://www.myspace.com/yormomzvagina
  12. Sumic


    Ready Where are the pictures of the strippers u said u had on the boat with u???
  13. Sumic

    Sumic Go Poof

    Guys I Transfered Sumic over to Smolderthorn this morning, I cant deal with the lag. It was making me wonder why I was paying 13 bucks a month to deal with that crap. I left urugly in the guild and will play her outside of Raids. I joined a friend of mines guild that I played eq2 with on smolderthorn. They have MC down to Rag. U guys know u cant get rid of cockroaches like me I will be around I love ya lots Sumic
  15. SUMIC FTW http://www.imagedump.com/index.cgi?pick=get&tp=307144
  16. can someone please give Rocked and Sumic acess to memebers section of the forums. Thanks Sumic
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