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Everything posted by Tammy

  1. Tammy


    hey Panda long time
  2. Captain Sam Rackham Even though there's no legal rank on a pirate ship, everyone recognizes you're the one in charge. You have the good fortune of having a good name, since Rackham (pronounced RACKem, not rack-ham) is one of the coolest sounding surnames for a pirate. Arr!
  3. sry stict everytime i watch this i think of you if you were a fire mage http://files.filefront.com/BigBlueDresswmv...;/fileinfo.html
  4. dude u have an automag thats awesome that was one of myt first guns
  5. hey this was a game in last season playing at a tournament. The other team cheated but the refs caught them. they were a little ticked off when i shot all of them.lol Warning a few colorful words AT end of video. http://files.filefront.com/paintball_002mp...;/fileinfo.html
  6. Tammy

    FP AB Ownage

    GUYS i know its probably not possible but IF WE DO THIS OFTEN i'd love to do this with you instead of the other guilds. the crappy thing is to advance ranks quickly we need to win often. If you are interested in working us up ranks then let me know .
  7. our distinct personality, The Dreamer-Minstrel might be found in most of the thriving kingdoms of the time. You can always see the "Silver Lining" to every dark and dreary cloud. Look at the bright side is your motto and understanding why everything happens for the best is your goal. You are the positive optimist of the world who provides the hope for all humankind. There is nothing so terrible that you can not find some good within it. On the positive side, you are spontaneous, charismatic, idealistic and empathic. On the negative side, you may be a sentimental dreamer who is emotionally impractical. Interestingly, your preference is just as applicable in today's corporate kingdoms.
  8. you will be missed
  9. http://files.filefront.com/Forgotten_proph...;/fileinfo.html
  10. cc didnt come this year so just wife and I http://img334.imageshack.us/img334/2148/geishaandsamurai7xp.th.png http://img334.imageshack.us/img334/6455/geisha7yd.th.png http://img334.imageshack.us/img334/3638/samurai2de.th.png http://img334.imageshack.us/img334/5163/foxandhound8fl.th.jpg
  11. here is cc and i on halloween 2004 our wives are the other two members. CC and i are on the ends, he is gene and im ace(gene has spikes on costume) http://img209.imageshack.us/img209/6480/ki...kissboot9jt.jpg http://img209.imageshack.us/img209/6480/kissboot9jt.th.jpg[/url] http://img130.imageshack.us/img130/3687/kiss5mu.th.jpg
  12. Tammy


    man im so sorry guys i accidently deleted our whole video from tonights run. have to go again to get another vid. 20 gigs gone with the wrong flick of a button damn sucky
  13. YA This is thje last boss in MC
  14. http://files.filefront.com/WoW_2005_10_04_...;/fileinfo.html
  15. anyone know how or where i can host our video of rag? ALSO i am trying to run it in limewire incase anyones uses that if they do the trial file is called FPFTW its when we made it to gollemag. If anyone can find it that way please let me know
  16. Lawbringer gauntlets -Tammy
  17. i have a screenshot in the screenshot area of the giantstalker gloves
  18. Hunters start drooling http://image62.webshots.com/62/5/90/11/457759011Scvvlt_ph.jpg hopefully i did this right i always screw this up OK i give up this thing is screwed sometimes my pic is here other times its not. I dunno guess im too tired http://img369.imageshack.us/img369/8858/wow20050922013359329rw.jpg
  19. Congrats on hte wedding today sileed. I'm sure your married life will be great, just remember to keep her happy and to use tranquil shot often or end up with the deadly wife argo. lol
  20. Tammy

    So long.

    Ya sorry to hear that. I didnt ge to know you well but have fun in whatever you do.
  21. winterspring
  22. maybe providing a screenshot could help get some gear back
  23. Tammy

    Time off

    im visting toronto i live in moncton new brunswick. we will be staying in pikering and fenelan falls. going to zoo, wonderland, RoM, marineland, etc.
  24. Tammy

    Time off

    hey guys sorry to say but im away for 1 week starting saturday or Sunday this weekend. Vacation in Ontario, Canada. Have fun questing /raiding, kill some horde for me maybe even raid UC again, anyways see you guys in a week.
  25. http://image60.webshots.com/160/0/15/58/427001558NGUIOY_ph.jpg
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