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Everything posted by Roy858

  1. Roy858

    25 Naxx Saturday

    Ya you should be fine tanking, prably make you OT but healing NAxx is so easy, we'll get your war caught up.
  2. I may not be 25 man raiding with FP anymore but i love you guys and would like to see FP go farther someday. I've noticed FP isn't doing 25 naxx on saturdays anymore, other guilds are inviting. I'm gonig to lead a 25 naxx this coming saturday and i'd like to fill it with as much FP members as i can. I know there are alot of fresh 80s lookin to raid, wanna Try to get you guys geared and for a few of you, your last peices from naxx. Be cool to know in advance if your interested in going.
  3. Roy858


    My wow account expired I gotta buy another time card. Should be up by Thursday night for the late night raid. Rather just go on my warrior as dps but i will heal if needed.
  4. www.myspace.com/troybarrios If anybody is interested ^,.,^
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