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Everything posted by Lyyna

  1. Lyyna

    Other TV Shows

    The Office is awesome. Also, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia is off the wall but hysterical if the humor of it is your style. It's on FX, I think, on Thursday nights at 10.
  2. Lyyna

    Other TV Shows

    The only two shows I really follow anymore are The Office and C.S.I. However, I may stop watching C.S.I. after this season since so many of the main characters are gone/leaving. =/
  3. Lyyna

    Capital Call

    This thread makes me laugh. A lot. Gryph's post wins. And you have indeed been foiled, Stang! Hello, straight guys of FP!
  4. Lyyna

    Capital Call

    What about cock shots?! Can I trade them in?
  5. Lyyna

    Capital Call

    I was going to make a joke about how I'm a girl, so I only pay for internet stuff in titty shots and Vent cyb0rz but then I remembered these are FP forums and neither of those will get me very far around here. Damn.
  6. Lyyna

    Patch is up!

    Haha, I've been playing Live a lot the last few days, actually, I've just not been on a Vent. I can pop back on yours if you'd like to have me there. And what about Corkie? Did he inflate his head a little more with his smackdown of Fusashi?
  7. Lyyna

    Patch is up!

    This patch makes me want to go back to Alliance for all the retroactive achievements!
  8. Ohhh no! Sorry, I'll stop! >.<
  9. I just use Meebo.com @ work. You can log in to AIM, Yahoo, MSN or Googletalk all through that site.
  10. Hai2u2Fifi<3 Fea, I just realized something weird. I know your gf's name and I've known some of your horses' names... but I have ALWAYS called you Fea! Wtf is your first name?
  11. I'm holding Sakx to his promise of sexings since I voted for you two!
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