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Everything posted by Sileed

  1. Sileed

    Gratz Hin

    Hey a congrats was certainly in order..but stud? Christ now we'll never hear the end of it for sure...
  2. Sileed


    I like it http://www.cyborgname.com/webimages/edox-SILEED.png
  3. Celline - Ninja Looter Baron run last night, first 2 bosses. Didn't explain or try to defend the first loot, same scenario on the second. Possible non english speaker?? Booted and blacklisted either way...
  4. you should really look at these 2 mods as a warlock: Servitude Resurrection and Shard Tracker NCS there is also the original Shard Tracker which I use cause it comes with Nurfed UI but I believe both have the same functionality. Everyone should have a Shard Tracker as the warlocks in your group will be able to track the Stones they give you and know when you use them instantly. I'll post up a SS of my UI when I get home. But check out Nurfed UI if you have a chance. I've been using it since early Jan and it's awesome for any class.
  5. Sileed

    Hordie Server

    I personally won't be playing on dark iron (I have more than my hands full with Skullcrusher now) and I can't speak for the fanbase of PvP Online Comic, but the fans from PA are rabid dogs.... They have 800+ members in 2 guilds with other guilds already popping up so you can expect probably 800+ Alliance left after 2 weeks maybe... Currently PvP has 500 members on the Horde side I'd say that server is doomed unless PA & PvP leave...
  6. Sileed

    Hordie Server

    yeah if you want any kind of server wanged the fastest way to do it is get it mentioned on PA
  7. Not sure if this will help, but people I have passed it to before thought it was very helpful to them for climbing through herbalism and after the fact to help decide what to collect (based on numbers) www.inkredible.ca/axis/herb.pdf Maybe if I still have the source db I created to run this report on (I was REALLY bored one day at work) I'll resort it by Potion Name rather than by Herb name...
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