Celline - Ninja Looter Baron run last night, first 2 bosses. Didn't explain or try to defend the first loot, same scenario on the second. Possible non english speaker?? Booted and blacklisted either way...
you should really look at these 2 mods as a warlock: Servitude Resurrection and Shard Tracker NCS there is also the original Shard Tracker which I use cause it comes with Nurfed UI but I believe both have the same functionality. Everyone should have a Shard Tracker as the warlocks in your group will be able to track the Stones they give you and know when you use them instantly. I'll post up a SS of my UI when I get home. But check out Nurfed UI if you have a chance. I've been using it since early Jan and it's awesome for any class.
I personally won't be playing on dark iron (I have more than my hands full with Skullcrusher now) and I can't speak for the fanbase of PvP Online Comic, but the fans from PA are rabid dogs.... They have 800+ members in 2 guilds with other guilds already popping up so you can expect probably 800+ Alliance left after 2 weeks maybe... Currently PvP has 500 members on the Horde side I'd say that server is doomed unless PA & PvP leave...
Not sure if this will help, but people I have passed it to before thought it was very helpful to them for climbing through herbalism and after the fact to help decide what to collect (based on numbers) www.inkredible.ca/axis/herb.pdf Maybe if I still have the source db I created to run this report on (I was REALLY bored one day at work) I'll resort it by Potion Name rather than by Herb name...
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