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Everything posted by Sileed

  1. There was a mod written so you could import your own songs into GH II (assuming of course you had a modded PS2) but the author pulled it because people were whining cause they didn't want to read the instructions (typical). http://www.scorehero.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=5925 Thanks [edit] - I found it, if anyone needs it let me know!
  2. You may have seen this, but no one posted it yet: http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.h...=1&pageNo=1 Hope that made your day
  3. As of this posting we have 172 accounts with 451 characters in the guild. (and if the guild notes were completely updated the roster would reflect this too ) They must be looking at number of different toons that have been seen online maybe?
  4. ahh sorry can't take credit for that, found it somewhere, then found it again on Wikipedia
  5. Thought this might help to go with the descriptions in the first post:
  6. Sileed

    Boss Mob Chat

    In another guild forums, it made me laugh. What the bosses in Azeroth are doing now. {You have entered 60 Bosses Chat} {BaronRivendare has come online} {Gandling}: what's up. {BaronRivendare}: hey. {Gandling} : what you doin {BaronRivendare} : nothin just ridin my horse. Are you lagging? {Gandling} : dont think so {Gandling} : y {BaronRivendare} : havent seen any mobs in 5 days. think i'm dc'd but just dont know it. {Gandling} : oic {Gandling} : same {BaronRivendare} : bored. u wanna do a me run? {Gandling} : lol {Gandling} : at least you get more time with the baroness lol {BaronRivendare} : lol yeah {BaronRivendare} : she can definitely take more than 45 minutes if she wants to {Gandling} : o_O {Drakkisath has come online} {BaronRivendare} : 'Sup Drak {Gandling} : wb {Gandling} : dc'd? {Drakkisath} nah thought I heard someone coming in downstairs. {Drakkisath} was nef and rend fighting again. {Drakkisath} they usually stop if people come over. nef thinks its funny when rend gets pwned and goes back to sitting on his throne. {Drakkisath} brb snack {Drakkisath has gone offline} {Gandling} SCHOOL IS IN SESSION {BaronRivendare} wtf {Gandling} Sorry, just trying to keep up the routine. {Ysida Harmon} DON'T WORRY ABOUT ME. JUST SLAY THIS ABOMINATION AND RID THE WORLD OF HIS FILTH FOREVER {BaronRivendare} stfu there isnt even anyone here {Gandling} damn, caps, jeez {BaronRivendare} sry {Gandling} think im gonna go to my alchemy lab {Gandling} brew up some 'refreshments' to pass the time {BaronRivendare} lol kk {Gandling has gone offline} {BaronRivendare} /sigh {BaronRivendare} /silly {BaronRivendare} /silly {BaronRivendare} /silly {BaronRivendare} /flirt {Ysida Harmon} can i go? {BaronRivendare} stfu {Nefarian has come online} {Nefarian} WTF {Nefarian} where's drak {BaronRivendare} gettin a snack {Nefarian} Is it Tuesday? {BaronRivendare} naw man its Saturday {Nefarian} you laggin {BaronRivendare} nope same problem tho {Nefarian} damn {Majordomo Executus has come online} {EliteGuard has come online} {EliteGuard has come online} {EliteGuard has come online} {EliteGuard has come online} {Healer has come online} {Healer has come online} {Healer has come online} {Healer has come online} {Majordomo Executus} : hey {EliteGuard} hey {EliteGuard} hey {EliteGuard} hey {EliteGuard} hey {Healer} hey {Healer} hey {Healer} hey {Healer} hey {MajordomoExecutus} jesus christ shut up you're driving me crazy with that {Majordomo Executus} all damn day {EliteGuard} sry {EliteGuard} sry {EliteGuard} sry {EliteGuard} sry {Healer} sry {Healer} sry {Healer} sry {Healer} sry {EliteGuard is now being ignored} {Healer is now being ignored} {MajordomoExecutus} rag told me to ask you guys if you're all laggin' {Nefarian} nah {Drakkisath has come online} {BaronRivendare} no i'm goin real fast {Drakkisath} that's what the baroness says {Nefarian} PWNED {MajordomoExecutus} haha ss'd. {BaronRivendare} ass {Drakkisath} dammit i'm bored. where are all the mobs? {Ragnaros has come online} {Nefarian} hey rag. {Ragnaros} TASTE THE FLAMES OF SULFURON {MajordomoExecutus} wtf caps {BaronRivendare} o_O {Nefarian} you dont have to put on your show, there arent any mobs around {Ragnaros} where the hell is everyone {Level 64 human warrior has come online} {Nefarian} niiiiiice {Nefarian} Im not even gonna use my skellies {BaronRivendare} same {Level 64 human warrior has killed Drakkisath} {Nefarian} .... {BaronRivendare} wt... {Level 64 human warrior has killed BaronRivendare} {Nefarian} jesus {MajordomoExecutus} /inspect {MajordomoExecutus} wtf he's wearing greens! {Level 64 human warrior has killed Majordomo Executus} {Ragnaros} BY FIRE BE PUR} {Level 64 human warrior has killed Ragnaros} {Nefarian} omg {Nefarian has gone offline} {Level 64 human warrior} lol noobz {Level 66 night elf hunter has come online} {Level 64 human warrior} 2 minutes 34 seconds, beat it {Level 66 night elf hunter} oh i will {Level 66 night elf hunter} what are all these healers and elites doing here?
  7. Sileed


    Excite Truck - just played it at my buddies house, it's awesome, espcially if you like off roading and rampaging
  8. Sileed

    Pray for me

    Pray to Cthullu, he is listening.
  9. you could check if you Sytem Restore is turned on (probably is) and if so turn it off (forever cause it's usueless IMHO) then try the removal tool again (I would look if the Stinger removal tool will catch it cause it works in DOS before windows). It might be classed as spy ware and not a virus however so Stinger may not work. What normally happens is that you remove the problem, reboot and the system restore is tricked into replacing the files on reboot for you... worth a shot, before you format...
  10. Sileed

    Line Rider

    http://www.official-linerider.com/movies_page.html Watch the movies then try it out yourself...
  11. But Animated Avatars are OK, right Ben??
  12. I think if you investigate the Layout files of Nurfed you can move what you want, where you want..Check their forums there may be a set of instructions on what to edit and how...
  13. there might be a standalone one, but personally I like the whole Nurfed UI. It does pretty much everything (including the xp/rep bar) Why not just use Blizzards Unit frames for your alts?
  14. Sileed


    who in their right mind buys a GSX 1000 for a commuter bike (or an anything 1000cc for that matter) (that also plans to keep "both wheels on the ground")?????
  15. Ok we settled on a name this afternoon: Kalie Maiya (first and middle) Thanks everyone
  16. Congrats guys!
  17. So far she's all Warlock
  18. Ok Introducing Sileed v2.0.... Drinking for Mana... We're still thinking on her name... Mum is doing well Thanks FP
  19. and sometimes just making sure you have the latest driver for the wireless adapter and/or firmware for your router helps too, but it does sound more like a PEBKAC error at this point.
  20. pics or it didn't happen
  21. Sileed

    Good laugh

    That was an awesome find! Thanks Coeus.
  22. http://gorillamask.net/mgrterror.shtml
  23. Sileed

    Friday Fun

    go home early or hurt yourself and get sent home Getting out of work requires a multitude of skills... /vanish when the boss come by then /blink to the door past your co-workers do a quick /fd to avoid customers, clients or phone calls you're free now /cat form all the way home
  24. Sileed

    Friday Fun

    Level 16 is brutal...
  25. http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.a...r&T=1135485&P=1 Page 12 has a few good ones for sure
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