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Everything posted by Sileed

  1. LOL I like that... Enviro Canada said it should be a very cold winter with little snow, you guys probably won't have to the army this year to dig you out TO will NEVER live that down...that was just TOO funny when it happened.
  2. Typical of someone from Toronto - "all of Canada is around Toronto and there is nothing East of Ontario"
  3. Finished? no way I still see half an arm with no color in it Back into the chair with ya.... and personally I find the color to be the least painful part, it's the outline that gets ya...(not counting any tattooing over bone, near nipples etc you get the idea)
  4. In game mail works well too for most of you crack heads who can't stay away from this damn game
  5. True enough but it would be a one time event...and effectively give us 2 shots @ Rag in 1 week. We'll all just have to build up some brownie points for this event if it comes to pass?? hehe
  6. That's from the WoW Forums, in case you haven't seen it yet... I've no real issues with it, I guess other than we may see a flux of MC etc starting on Tues/Weds (not much different than now ) Anyways....my thought here is this: Just before they implement 1.9 (which should be soon) we have the opportunity to do all of MC twice that week IF we keep on the same schedule we have now (starting on Sunday) Sunday - we do first 6 Monday - we do last 3 +Rag attempts Tues morning it gets reset.... Tues/Weds - we start again.. Since we're down to 2 nights +Rag attempts on this anyways it might be a good plan assuming 1.9 comes out fairly soon. Thoughts?
  7. Not sure about Staples but Walmart definately sells Game Cards $29.24+ tax for 60 days... Chances are they are closer than Staples - there's a damn walmart everywhere I look these days.
  8. Sileed

    Got 15 minutes?

    http://www.compfused.com/directlink/957 I did it in less than 7, it should be easy to beat that...
  9. Sileed


    I saw that yesterday, that was priceless. I love PA.
  10. I guess this is why we have the option for "Quest Text Speed" in game I keep mine on fast...but I still find I read though it all http://www.penny-arcade.com/view.php?date=...005-10-07&res=l
  11. I'm not sure if anyone knows this, cause I don't believe I've seen us doing it to any boss mobs yet.. Judgement of Light and Judgement of Wisdom levels 1-3 stack on a Mob. From what I'm told JoL (level 3 for instance) by 3 different paladins will not stack...however if each paladin cast a different level they do stack. Some simple math: JoW 1-3 = 138 mana per attack JoL 2-4 = 144 health per attack to each person doing those types of attacks.... Are we doing this? Am I posting old news? Lemme know, I'm just passing this on as a friend in another guild just found this out as well and they didn't know before...
  12. Another good ZG site for strategy: http://www.whataboutpp.com/zgs Enjoy
  13. Sileed

    Bored Games #3!

  14. Thanks everyone, the day went great (even though it rained) I'm working out of town this week but maybe when I get back I'll post a pic or two in the FP - who r u? thread... I gotta figure out my respec now since 1.7 came out while I've been gone
  15. Arty, You wanted Canadians - you got em - Practically all the former Ancient Council members are from Canada and the same city no less: Sileed, Yisati, Earlgrey, Stonebeard, Tammy, Evina, Savoix, CC, Jorath Hope that makes ya feel better
  16. So you've been there before.... /hide
  17. A fuzzy pic of me from last Saturday at my bachelor party I'll try to find one that isn't 5-10 yrs old that's clearer... A better shot of my soon to be sleeve (since most people ask to see it when they see it poking out at my wrist)
  18. I always use Filefront.com, no waiting in queue and the speed is very good and the site is easy to navigate
  19. RangeRecolor: http://www.curse-gaming.com/mod.php?addid=985
  20. Sileed

    Patch 1.7

    Just an FYI as well... The newest version of the Nurfed UI is now up and is now exclusively hosted at www.nurfedui.net Version 1.4 of CTRA is also posted
  21. Sileed

    Patch 1.7

    d/l it and burn it to CD
  22. It was mine, and there was only 1 rule: No one goes in the fire (we made that up after another party were there were no rules ) Thanks Guys
  23. Good to hear that all went well on Sunday, I had signed up with a big MIGHT be there but due to the bachelor party which can only be summed up as: Primal (might have a few pics that are postable) I was in no shape to log on or even post that I would not be making it. I'm out for the rest of this week too, getting hitched Saturday. See ya all next week though...
  24. Stonebeard - Man did you shit in his cornflakes or something? Some people just have a deathwish...
  25. damn it's so close I'd be thinking about a plagiarism suit Since thier requirements for every class other than warrior are High why don't we just absorb them (FP seems to be good at that ) Hell they like us enough to copy the damn boards/post, save the trip - just post directly here
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