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Everything posted by Sileed

  1. Dunno how many of you have been waiting like I have, but the new version of Roster was released on the weekend. You'll notice that my signature/avatar have changed. If you uploaded info to my old Roster Site - you will have to re-upload your info due to many DB changes etc. If you'd like to start using the Roster and get used to it - Feel free to use my Beta Site. The address is: Any questions regarding it's use etc feel free to post here, email me or PM me. I've enabled every option for now so everyone can see just what is available etc EXCEPT your MONEY (seems to be issue with some people on other sites, I can see the point ) so you won't need to worry. Aside from that - what you see if the default options - colors, formatting etc can all be changed. Have fun with it.
  2. Sileed


    Blizz has just announced you can transfer FROM Mug'Thol TO Archimonde. Archimonde was one the servers who just transferred TO Mug'Thol last week. Guess it didn't go over so well for some of the people LOL, either that or the whole damn server transferred
  3. Sileed

    Lunar Festival

    think the earthen might be the new alliance race??? It's a thought
  4. I don't see why our councillors would not frown upon someone in FP participating in these contest.... or "not encourage it" it's incentive for anyone to farm more material for the AQ gates and that's all. BTW: I think Skullcrusher is "most improved" server on that list. While we will not be the first server to have the collection done, I think going from 35th or so last Tueday to 12th as of this AM is quite impressive
  5. yeah it's a tad wide...getting rid of the empty space on the left for sure would help
  6. two things: Prime, I'm not sure what you're talking about or if you were even replying to this post haha 2nd: Grats to Marbo on his 100g for submitting the most linen on the 15th
  7. There is indeed only 1 Sileed
  8. http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.a...er&T=142343&P=1 Kind of a neat idea, lots of people/servers doing it, but still... Maybe we could organize something within FP along the same lines?? edit: just found this one - even better 1 full Tier set! http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.a...er&T=142989&P=1 for silk or arthas tears
  9. As of Jan 11/06 - 7am EST We're 22nd up from 35th on Jan 8th...
  10. "The /spit command has been disabled" What are the horde gonna do now??
  11. Anyone have anyluck getting the maps to come up for them? I can get the first screen showing the zones, but when I ask for details I just get the X instead of the graphic...
  12. Grats on the Leaf Reinhard. and I think marbo got the GS bracers
  13. Sileed

    AQ Mats

    ok so this isn't quite accurate, from what I just read each side as slightly different requirements not only in resources but in qty as well. It sucks that I just took my warlock from 0-300 first aid and sold all the bandages to the vendor though (on sunday) Oh well... hehehe
  14. useless
  15. Sileed

    Patch Today?

    Holy Frak! looks like I'm burning a CD at work before I head home...
  16. Sileed

    Patch Today?

    how big is it?
  17. Have a good one people! Be safe, we need you all here next year
  18. it should upload no matter what...the server might be a tad slow I've been working on some other things here today (but I'm done now) I would just let it go...give it 3 mins at least...a blank screen is normal. Please report any actual output of errors msg (haven't seen any yet though) Thanks for trying it out..
  19. hmmm I don't think the .net framwork is required. I'm like 99% positive I don't have it installed on any machine I have used to work on/update the roster. Gynis: More than happy to assist you with this (will even provide the customized file I have already done to you if need be, since I have installed 4 users mods/updates) 1. The cool signatures 2. The signatures auto generate/update on profile load 3. Who Makes What? menu item and pages 4. Minor tweaks for IE formatting, updates since release. Later
  20. Are you using IE by chance? There are some CSS issues that the devs of this tool are trying to work out that only come up with people using IE. I noticed them myself once on my work PC, but not at home, then they went away at work.. I did do an update to reallign the icons but it doesn't seem to have fixed it 100%. Again it's a CSS issue that normally crops up with IE.
  21. I already posted this in the suggestions forums here: http://www.forgottenprophets.com/phpBB2/vi...opic.php?t=2829 But based on the PMs, and other comments I'm seeing around the forums people want to know how I and a few others are getting these new signatures. Well now you can too You can also click on my sig and it takes you directly to the "sample site" I setup. By no means is this official FP, I just wanted to make a suggestion and show "the powers that be" what could be done. That being said, this is currently only hosted on my own private server on a static ip ADSL line - so performance might not be great! Essentially you need this MOD: http://www.curse-gaming.com/mod.php?addid=1444 It's easy to use, install it, login and open up EVERY window that applies to your toon, repeat for each toon you want to upload to my sample site. I'm currently showing EVERYTHING you give it, except you $$ Totals Optionally you can also use: http://www.curse-gaming.com/mod.php?addid=1843 To send in your PvP statistics (see ReadyAkira's profile for what it sends) Anyways hope you find it useful. If alot of people REALLY like it but the guild does not want to implement it, I may get a hosting package which supports PHP (I have one that only supports ASP currently) Thanks for reading and trying out the site.
  22. that being said, I think someone should give Vladd his member status on the forums. He plays his FP toons more than Vladd anyways
  23. Damn you Joe, how did you know I couldn't resist flipping cards into a hat!
  24. I work for Grant Thornton LLP - an accounting firm in Canada (associated with Grant Thornton International (office is 100 countries)). I work in IT for them, assisting their clients with accounting software installation, training and support. I guess officially I'm a Business Consulting Analyst - whatever that means....
  25. they probably didn't get the response they wanted the first time so they put us back up on the block so to speak...
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