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Everything posted by Sileed

  1. You're pimped out now man! , but I guess so are most of us! It's all about the team, it's all FP, it's all about /famous
  2. Sileed

    RL Farming

    What I wanna know: What is your unbuffed RL fishing skill?
  3. *edit broken link
  4. http://www.rowan.edu/biology/faculty/obrien/nature/hardwood%20swamp.JPG and I don't wanna see any pics of Yoda after this ....
  5. Check out the latest Nurfed UI Hykos - HUD is back with so much more
  6. throwing her is the best part! LOL (not that I condone throwing girls...but gnomes are ok )
  7. that would have been sweet to see...good job guys
  8. Hmmm where you getting this info Bentley? http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.a...p=1#post8794123 Service Not Available....
  9. lol word. and exist.... yes... nothing can stop me now Except for someone carding you in most of our provinces/territories..
  10. Pretty slick... Click HERE
  11. I think it's funny and sad that most of those fights all came from Sunday's MC run however
  12. I must be ancient then....
  13. http://www.tshirthell.com/images/contestpics/a249_003.jpg
  15. I wonder how much Whaevoz is paying for pictures of a dead Goreslash
  16. You are a Judge! (Dominant Introverted Concrete Thinker) You are a JUDGE (DICT). Your affinity for facts and analytical approach to life help you solve complex problems and make tough decisions that others cannot. But don't think that you don't act irrationally a lot of the time. You jump into arguments and hold grudges like crazy. You could probably use some love. While some may see you as a bit overbearing and arrogant, your friends know that you are a trustworthy person with depth and a strong sense of righteousness. Although you are introverted and somewhat reserved, you have a forceful personality that your friends appreciate and your enemies fear. God help them. God help all of us. Compared to 14,882,671 other test takers... 97% are more Submissive than you. 1% are more Dominant than you. 2% are just as Dominant as you. 34% are more Introverted than you. 48% are more Extroverted than you. 18% are just as Introverted as you. 90% are more Abstract than you. 3% are more Concrete than you. 7% are just as Concrete as you. 27% are more Thinking than you. 65% are more Feeling than you. 7% are just as Thinking as you Other than the part about holding grudges, pretty fair assessment..
  17. If that is the new alliance race, I'm gonna make a weapon that takes [item]Troll Sweat[/item] as Ammo just so it finally as a use! MacGuyver FTW! He can make anything work!
  18. http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/301531 You may have seen it on the WoW community links page...
  19. No that is not correct. The FPP area is for viewing our EQDKP site. To sign up for raids, use the menu item to the left of FPP ---Raids and then choose My Profile, then create your character(s). At that point you should be able to go back to the Home page of phpRaid and sign up to your heart's content
  20. Hope you guys are blown away. Thanks Web Team and a big thank you to Minus for the FP logo!
  21. anyone see the threads on the changes to Mage and Warlock Tier 1 sets? I give you a preview...they're not in the patch notes
  22. no they didn't take it out...it's just much harder to do
  23. In the US maybe .... But yeah it's not the same thing. blizzard has position (probably for other things) but this happens to fall under it. They are sticking to their guns and they should. The harrassment etc that this guild would unfortunately suffer from the player base would probably cause Blizzard a pile of headaches much less the pain/agony the actual victimized player(s) would encounter as well. It's all for the best in the end. Move Along, nothing to see here....
  24. I have created and packaged a copy of Uniuploader that is preconfigured to connect to the FP Beta Roster site and upload your profile. This makes using the Roster super easy. **The program will also download the Character Profiler Mod for you (from my server) if you don't have it.** I have set the program to run minimized (in the tray) and to run when Windows Starts. The program can launch WoW for you, but I have NOT enabled this option. Uniuploader will upload your profile when you exit WoW (when the file is saved/changed). You can find it here: UniUploader.zip You must the program manually once for it to start/update etc. I hope you find this useful
  25. You need Character Profiler 1.5.1 - the big Click here for Updating Instructions will take you to Roster Dev site (or use Curse Gaming) If you want to use UniUploader (a program found on the Roster Dev's site) that works too. In UU set your primary URL to and your Synchronization URL to
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