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About Finnegus

  • Rank
  • Birthday 03/27/1991

In-game Information

  • Race
    Night Elf
  • Class
  1. >.>
  2. Happy birthday Shiki
  3. I should be able to make it if you need another hunter.
  4. Finnegus

    FP Survivor!

    /vote Ez
  5. Happy Birthday, punk
  6. Finnegus

    FP Survivor!

    Shhh Ryee. /sheep, voting for Gryph
  7. Lol, so epic. "Well, can you carry over my hours?"
  8. Finnegus

    FP Survivor!

    Beck's gone so who do I have left to vote for? Letica.
  9. Finnegus

    FP Survivor!

    Beck, seriously. GTFO already
  10. Finnegus

    FP Survivor!

  11. Finnegus

    FP Survivor!

    Beck, you know the drill. GTFO
  12. Finnegus

    FP Survivor!

    As always,
  13. Finnegus

    FP Survivor!

  14. Finnegus

    FP Survivor!

    I'm gonna keep voting for Beck. GTFO
  15. Finnegus

    Be Imba!

    225.75 Meh.. lame.
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