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Everything posted by Ararius

  1. Just as a tip for you guys, anytime a company sets a release date on the 2nd of a month it means that there is no release date. Stores like EB have to give an expected release date legally in order to accept your payments. The 2nd is the global "we have no clue" date.
  2. Nurfed combat log. I didn't like it =P WRONG! It's HitsMode. You suck matt!
  3. My raid ui is a lot different then my normal ui, but here ya go matt! http://img95.imageshack.us/img95/4486/fullui7er.th.jpg
  4. I'm forced to do nothing but raid every spare moment of my life... a lot of it is in Silithus though!
  5. Just as a heads up, the Sentinels come in packs of 4 not 2. Watch the respawn timers too.
  6. Couple suggestions and thoughts on Broodlord for ya. His MS's (depending on armor) hit for anywhere between 4k-12k. Tanks will be 1-shotted from time to time. You might find it helpful to assign 2 healers to each individual tank because he can switch so quickly. The blastwave is resistable but usually only hits for 3k. All tanks need to be at 100% health at all times or you will lose them quick. Lastly, you need to keep track of which tanks have died. If you have a tank that has not died the whole fight and you are down to around 25%, you better keep him up or its gg - wars that die after 80% will not be able to hold aggro in the end. Just a couple thoughts.
  7. Nope
  8. It does. 1 hour duration and increases FR by 81-83.
  9. Ararius


    Congratulations boys and girls... akira and stang kept me up to date on your progress. Good luck as you venture further into BWL and beyond. PS. Pippy was asked to leave and now resides in Dark Entropy.
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